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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyEY4cuX-SE
  2. Where would the event take place? -Rebel outpost chosen by the cop starting the event What is the goal for the APD in this event? -APD holds a rebel outpost for as long as they can/desire. While holding, all money acquired by wongs/drug cartel, and all money spent at other rebel outposts during the event becomes cash at a *flag* on the rebel outpost. The APD can retrieve the money and deliver it to an HQ to seize/payout. If rebels takeover, they can take the cash for themselves(maybe add something to prevent people from simply running to the flag, pulling cash, and depositing. What should the payout be? - (above) Would there be any specific rules for the event? -not that I can think of
  3. I think dom electric skins for the MK18 would be a much like addition for a few people
  4. In Game Name: Wong Age: 20 Are you a member of the APD (rank): no Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: once, 24 hours for VDM Any previous Gangs: Thantos Hours: 1700 https://imgur.com/a/gLpfM67 Bank: 500k
  5. Fuck oil, it was only good when you could dupe it anyways
  6. First off, you are talking about warlords and Iโ€™m talking about rebels, if you could gain an edge against your opponent why wouldnโ€™t you? And what the hell is QCQ? If suppressors were easy to acquire and cheap, it would be stupid to not take advantage of that unless you were fighting in certain scenarios but last I heard 3rd world rebels are just a bunch of ape like fighters out for blood.
  7. Yea it is hard to get a suppressor but you are talking about 1st world countries, and if rebels could run around with suppressor they would
  8. A scope and/or suppressor wouldn't break RP, the USA has suppressors available for purchase after certain requirements are met so why wouldn't a militaristic island such as altis where every cop is armed with a carbine have suppressors? Civilians can purchase high quality non military grade scopes easily.
  9. DMS would be nice but nothing more.
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