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  2. When I turn in a bounty at Prisoner Intake, I keep an eye on the amount and no bonus is applied. I am at what should be the correct NPC - the one in the dome for Pygros. (Obviously people stripping gear don’t get the bonus as that is a different talent tree.) I believe it should only be applying to the sender amount, while the groupmates benefit from the 5/10/15% minor honor perks. The groupmate perks work, but they do not give extra honor like they used to. I have only kept a close eye on arrests at Pygros skiptracer, but I believe all locations are effected. If it is only 20%, then it is still undervalued and should be bumped back to 50% in my opinion. Maybe add a sub perk to master crusader like how lethals are for predator where it could be default 25% and then the second perk bumps it to 50%. The player perspective before was that there was an original arrest for the default amount, and then there was a second “fake” arrest which credited the additional amount at 50%. Only going off of memory here, but from what I recall the arrest only showed the default then the bonus, so from the player perspective it was not a bonus applying twice or anything.
  3. Today
  4. Not saying Nikolai’s doesn’t need some changes to make it harder for cops to get their coins but cops prestige tokens are comparatively weaker than civs. The strongest thing cops got was an RPK which is LT+ and the majority of cops only get to use the CMR. Throw a couple suppressors in there too. Absolutely nothing game breaking while civs tokens allow them to acquire weapons that can one shot an ifirt/pen towers or acquire a suicide vest that sets off a nuclear bomb. If you can’t see why the changes to national were made and the direction the server would go if every civ had these tokens you’re actually brain dead.
  5. You aren’t getting promoted in the APD any higher bub
  6. All i remember is you would get 50% of the bounty added on and you would get no extra honor. Idk if that’s intentional or not but I would turn in 100k and get 100k plus a 50k bonus with no additional honor.
  7. Love u Molu nice aim on bank roof @.Shyfucking shitter
  8. The administrator is changing the odds. You banned my friend, not the reason you should have banned him, and you need us to appeal, just like a man who didn't kill anyone, but you need him to prove that he didn't kill anyone.
  9. Spent a short amount of time looking into master crusader. No one has touched this since Pre-V2.. I could be totally Mis-interpreting the intended use of this code so don't kill the messenger on this one and everything i say below may be incorrect as I haven't gone and done it in-game yet. Things to remember - BH have a hard cap of 250k, they cannot receive over this amount. As it stands a bonus does exist and i don't see why it wouldn't be working, however a more comprehensive live server test is needed. Player must have the honor talent "Master crusader" The arrester and the arrestee must be within 15m of the green "Prisoner intake" marker @Skiptracers <== This is the step seems to not happen often as players will instead strip the player at advanced interrogation of gear then arrest them which will not give the bonus. Provides a 20% bonus, up to a maximum bonus of $25,000 The exact interactions that we would need to test on a live server to see if working as what I think it does. When the arrester clicks "We see you have a friend with you. Would you like to share the reward from this bounty with your friends?" Does it give 20% bonus then split, meaning only the arrester needs the talent Does it give 20% bonus after the split, meaning all the friends need master crusader Does it bug out and do nothing Does it bug out and double apply 20% The "Fair share" line of honor perks 5%/10%/15% Does master crusader work with these. ((Is it even supposed to?)) I would assume they get these amounts if the friend chooses not to split. Do they get these amounts if the friend chooses to split, and if it does are they getting 15% of original bounty amount or 15% of after split amount I personally don't see anything to do with a 50% bonus being intended in V2. I assume some bug was fixed where bonus's were double applied or perhaps something was just ordered oddly in the logic. To answer the original suggestion on spending excess honor, I think Fitz and i have both made it known publicly that we would like to introduce more BH honor perks down the line. However its important to remember that a lot of players maxed out honor before V2 was even a dream in Jesse's eye. I think its ok to have grinds that "End" (Cop prestige/Bounty hunter honor/Infamy). In my eyes those grinds are kind of equivalent between the factions. I personally wouldn't be ok making the bounty hunter grind "endless" in this way without doing so for APD/Infamy. Its just hard to balance effectively as each system has a unique way of earning their respective "Currency". Id rather continue to add more lifetime perks like we did for APD prestige ((MobileHQ's and w/e else was added recently))
  10. Can you open your eyes wide to see my needs? You blind person. Yes, yes, you are all right. But I won't appeal. I'm just complaining, because this is an American server.
  11. If you think any admin is abusing their power, make an admin report to ensure it gets brought to our attention. But bitching in a forum post while providing no info whatsoever about the situation isn't going to solve anything.
  12. Yes, because I am appealing for fairness, I have touched upon the interests of certain administrators. So they like to abuse their power. 使用管理员传送功能进入战场进行战斗。我看见你这样做了。 If you understand Chinese, you can ask Yusheng to help you translate. You idiot, the purpose of my appeal is not to lift the ban, I need evidence. Because you often prohibit us without evidence. This is what I posted. There is no complete evidence to support it.
  13. Unfortunately chopping doesn't really work like this right now, but I agree that conceptually doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I'll work on getting this to be a thing, but it might be a long term thing than a short term one.
  14. Constable plus sure why not
  15. Yeah I agree that this should probably be a minigun boat, my concerns were about this event being done without LT+ online to counter it, but I'm sure we can find a compromise.
  16. Fitz

    April Changelog

    I'm going to start at what seems to be a perception or belief of the community about the Asylum development process. You guys seem to think that I sit down at my computer and just add whatever I want to add and giggle when it fucks someone over. I have been in this community since 2014 most of which obviously not as a dev, so I see where you're coming from but also it doesn't make any sense. This last patch was entirely based around things that people wanted added to the server, QOL stuff, more combat stuff, etc etc etc. There is no unilateral decision making when it comes to development on the server, everything is discussed with the SA's CMs, other devs, Rogue, COP, captains, Chiefs where applicable, and admins as a whole. I am frankly quite irritated by the insinuations otherwise that we are just fucking around with code and then say, "Oh this looks good". Development has to be a private affair, where possible we will let you know when something is about to come out, however I know for a fact that other servers staff watches our patch notes, and are inside our community trying to steal content, ideas, and players. I am not going to make that easier for them in any way, shape, or form. In regards to this actual list of complaints, I don't know if you just didn't actually read my post before becoming upset and deciding to write a response, or what. But the exact same changes went into effect for the cop and civ trees, not to mention the fact that I extended how long the cop event takes to give the rebels time to counter and pay the rebels 500k for disabling it in the first place. These events were never intended to be as easy to successfully complete than they were, so we changed that. There is more stuff that we have plans for with these events and systems, so we wanted to change them now to see how it would work. This decision had nothing to do with fucking you over, this was about improving a system that I made 4 months ago when I had no fucking clue what I was doing, to make it better and more able to build off of in the future. In terms of balance, everyone things they have the perfect solution, you post your complaints from your perspective, someone else posts it from there's, these interests are hardly ever going to line up, and at the end of the day we need to make a call. Just because we're trying something that isn't 95% in your favor right now doesn't mean that A) it won't be changed in the future, or that it is the wrong decision for the community as a whole. Lastly, considering the previous state of development on here, and the development on other servers, we are more open and forthcoming than ever before. If this was in other communities, you would have been banned from posting on patch notes with your posts deleted. You have people volunteering their time, energy, and skills to make this place run, the overwhelming majority of whom are unpaid. I really don't think it is too much to ask for to give us the benefit of the doubt that we aren't doing it maliciously, and that we are actively trying to better and save a community that we all love. If you have something that you think should be changed for the better, make a suggestion, I can't divine what people are upset about, but also give it a chance. Don't read something, and without logging onto the server or giving it time to play out decide that it is fucked. We are spending quite a lot of time making all of this stuff, writing the notes and responses, and patching the server. Spend some time yourself seeing how it is before immediately telling us to fuck off.
  17. Can confirm you have used the “transfer function” a few times vs me
  18. I think he increased the time to hack the vault and gates, not how long the vault is open.
  19. This guy send me a dick pic and im a minor

  20. Surely you are going to be nerfing cop coins in the same manner right? Because all of them pretty much are maxed out prestige already unless they are new or broke after like the first week or 2. They also get a pretty much guaranteed vault at the end of oil. And on top of it you buffed their vault window to buy a token from 5 minutes to 10 minutes if im not mistaken, yet did not do so for civ where if you die or get detained its considerably harder to get back in time. Can you start to kind of see here where this perceived bias comes into play and why people are concerned and lose trust that you are "listening to the community" and also being "impartial" for the sake of balance? I often wonder if these decisions are just YOLO'd on the spot and then patched the next day because many of these decisions I feel like if there was a group of people sitting around would be like "uhhh that might not be the best idea let's discuss it some more". I know this idea will almost certainly be dismissed but moving on in the future my suggestion to the staff team given that you say you want feedback and are listening is to put out a list of proposed patch changes prior to actually doing it to give the community a chance to give feedback and suggestions so things can be tweaked, added/removed, or reconsidered prior to pushing a patch given that there is no "test server". It doesn't mean you have to listen to any/all ideas but at the very least if nothing of value is suggested you can guage where the community is at in terms of somethin versus the current standard of we think this is a good idea so we are doing it and if people bitch we will adjust it later. At the end of the day the players and the community are what fund and populate this server. That doesn't mean you are required to do everything they say and be held hostage or be their bitch but it does mean you should listen to what they have to say and strongly consider what sounds like a good idea to the bulk of the community versus just a handful of people. You say you are doing that and to a degree I will give credit where credit is due and say you are but it feels like "barely" if I am being honest.
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