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sixb0nes -

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  1. Why does drug cartel take a cut if you sell the oysters at Wong's or will that be changed to drug dealer? Also it takes a cut during both processes (cooking/frying) I don't know if this was intended.
  2. In game name: sixb0nes discord name: Sixb0nes#9090 Age: 15 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/099368912b918d263463bc4aa02b8200 Why should we accept you into the gang ?: I should be accepted into the gang because I have cartel skills, I know some players in the gang that can vouch for me (Kavleborg, Heff), I've rolled with some of CP's members and had a fun time and because I'm active and loyal. The server you are most active on?: 3 Previous Gangs, you were in?: A lot of smaller gangs on Asylum other than Boats & Hoes, other than that a lot of gangs on modded servers and Malden.
  3. In-game name: sixb0nes Age: 15 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): 1272 https://gyazo.com/ea0b72289b2d9e5a03bc4d36258d2460 Past/Current Gangs: Most gangs you won't really know of or recall but Boats & Hoes. I also play a lot of modded servers so I have gang experience on those. Are there any current members who can vouch for you?: No.
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