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Everything posted by heater

  1. On server 4 already fucked up 2 of their orcas lmao! And am going for more revenge >:)
  2. ⌠ Join, Tunnel Snakes ⌡ / ⌠ Requirements ⌡ In-Game Name: ( TS | Yourname ) Age: 16+ Estimated Asylum Time: 200+ Bank Balance: "Able to hand yourself" Have you ever been banned? Do you have a mic and discord? Current and Past Gangs? If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? Why do you want to join our gang? Do you know any members of our gang?
  3. You were so triggered xD, Threatening us and shit
  4. Last night I robbed Crunchedd for 44k lmao!!
  5. Liked the video though GG too bad I wasn't there,
  6. To bad he didn't post the part where him and his whole squad got fucked the first time he came lmao P.S there was 5 five of them not just him : /
  7. (feel free to make me a banner) We need don't need numbers, we require skill._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RequirementsMust be able to sustain Tactical CommunicationMust have at least 500 hours in ArmaMust be over the age of 15Must have common knowledge of basic combat strategiesMust have discord so I can contact you things. If you don't meet any of the requirements don't bother making an application_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Application Format- In-Game Name:- Age:- Location/Timezone:- Discord:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RosterLeader: Alex HerreraMembers(1)--------------------------------''don't be a bottom'' - AB 2019.
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