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Posts posted by wollie35

  1. this is probably the worst debate ive ever seen.

    Legit they are talking through eachother. What is this kindergarten?

    Need someone to tell them they need to stfu and let the other person talk, pathethic. Both of them.

    18 hours ago, Sean That Irish Guy said:

    Trump was like a child throwing a tantrum last night. Great enjoyment to watch him fail.

    he only gains from fucking it up. The same reason hes calling upon people to basically commit a felony and double vote. This is all him taking safety measures in case he loses. He can start screaming it aint his fault he lost but the system/

  2. heads up if i play im imposter.

    Also if u need to scream/screech to get ur point across dont join.

    19 hours ago, salty.connor said:

    im the best crew mate

    if you want to win as imposter you have to kill me first 

    I was getting hunted like a dog after I called out both imposters 5 times in arow

    I can not confirm or deny this story. But he's right it did happen.

    Abu and Tea. like this
  3. On 7/20/2020 at 1:31 AM, bunni said:


    someone help, went from silver 4 - bronze 2 with 15 LP. Haven't won a game in 2 days..

    Advise based in elo: nocturne mid cause u enjoy it but go dark Harvest/electrocute. Second keystone go celerity / waterwalking for movemeent speed for roams.

    Go full lethality (duskblade first) and keep roaming.  Prob take ultimate Hunter as ur red end thingy for more roam kills.

    Sidenote: dont advice this build in higher elo where people can lane/Ward.

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