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Everything posted by Tea.

  1. +1 true asylums never been the same w/o you
  2. In-Game Name: tea Age: 9 Arma 3 hours (Screenshot): enuff Bank Account (Screenshot):like I said, enuff Any experience fighting? yes Vouches: gravl Previous Gangs: I think I was in spaceforce for like 5seconds of my alt before How active will you be? everyday
  3. Tea.


    Except the fact that we made them lose it by killing them and not them crashing by themselves MAN 🙂
  4. Tea.


    Don't worry, ppg already put you guys in your place twice and we'll do it again. We made you guys lose 2 orcas + 20+ loadouts so... PPG ON TOP!
  5. Tea.


    true good times!
  6. Tea.


    Difference between actually bhing and sitting at a rebel waiting for bounties to come to you... you're a little slow buddy
  7. Tea.


    we're already good.. *cough* ppg on top but who wants to spawn at their house next to rebel and have to push them out everytime there at rebel
  8. Yeah that's how cartel fights are nowadays
  9. 0:18 *TEA POOOOO* wow gotta love my fans, thanks for the support Mason 🙂
  10. uhh I think this fits in here @krono677
  11. btw havent played for a bit now so you're a bit clueless but that's fine, enjoy your dead cartel fights ikr he's very original
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