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About Ken

IRS Director
Retired APD Captain

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    Respawn Island

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  1. Ken

    group limit

    I think of the AFD more like illegals crossing the border, do they really count? I only joke, please dont cancel me AFD
  2. Ken

    group limit

    The APD is not the minority, The APD's roll in the server is just as important as the Civ role. They literally work hand in hand to keep the server alive. Without cops the civs dont have much to do. Without civs the cops have nothing to do. Both sides need to be kept happy and healthy.
  3. Ken

    group limit

    Limit your lockpicks to 10 a week 🙁
  4. Ken

    group limit

    And ill say again, your being punished because you keep spamming federal events. Why are the cops being punished? You keep mentioning metas but metas change, in every single game, including Arma/Asylum. The cartel meta use to be sniper elite and quick peaking, now its sitting in a ifrit and dropping on smoke canisters. This is yet another meta that changed, and it has a way to beat it. Do a federal event or two, and go find something else to do for a bit so the cops can patrol and actually enjoy their time on the game and stay on longer. Stop with the me me me me short term thinking and start thinking about a hour or a day down the road from now and how you can keep the cops online longer to have someone to keep fighting.
  5. Ken

    group limit

    Ive had to fight it more then once, one time was when DK did it to troll me when i was with Farmers Ville of all people and not even @pan friedcomplained about it shockingly enough. Why would a cop use a shit free loadout to push a federal event where the people they are fighting have CSATS and MK's sitting behind a wall in a elevated position? I bet you next will say their loadouts are cheaper? Sure but youll neglect to mention the fact that even though they are a little bit cheaper they have to respawn 5 times and regear 5 times while your still sitting behind that wall. So in the end, no their loadouts arnt even cheaper. Ohh cool they won the bank against the rebels? Guess what, they still lost because they spent more money fighting you then they got from disabling the drill and giving whoever they caught tickets. The cops would actually be able to make some money if they actually got to play the server how, as you say, "is literally orientated to play". This includes the cops patrolling around and catching the people in the cities killing other people. It involves them patrolling fields so that people arnt freely making money uncontested breaking patato's economy.
  6. Ken

    group limit

    Literally the last bank i did DK pulled out the hawk against us, i was even stuck on back rock with no cover from the thing. We ripped the gunners out of it almost every time it passed by. We did eventually lose, but the hawk wasnt even in the area at that time. No one complained about it, we had a blast having a different experience then the same old boring sitting in a defended position waiting for constables to push in hatchbacks. In regards to your reply to DK's post, its not enjoyable for the cops either to constantly push defended positions all the time. Me hopping on cop is rare these days, i enjoy my time trolling on civ now. The last time i got on cop i spent 4 hours playing, i literally patrolled one field that entire time. The rest was fighting Bank, Prison, and Fed. There needs to be a understanding that sometimes the Captains are going to do things to bring morale of the cops up, you may not like it at the time but it is in your best interest as well seeing you guys want to continue fighting cops.
  7. Ken

    group limit

    Dont spam fed events all day and not expect the hawk to roll out? This is more about peoples fragile ego and not being able to take a L then it is a issue with the ghost hawk. I dont understand why people need to win every single time to be happy.
  8. Ken

    group limit

    The title of this thread is group limit, it starts off with screenshots of the amount of cops in the TeamSpeak channel, and half the chat in here is about the amount of cops vs rebels. The ghost hawk is hardly used, and it was not used outside of when the rules state when it can be used form the sounds of it. From the sounds of it a group was doing fed event after fed event and it was brought out to help out the cops and boost morale. God forbid the Captains try to keep the cops happy and give them a W so people can continue to spam fed events so that the cops can continue to do what they clearly are unhappy doing.
  9. Ken

    group limit

    Tbh its kinda crazy that when the civs outnumber the cops and win its "get good retard, skill issue". But when the cops are forced to fight federal event after federal event and finally get enough cops online and outnumber the civs its "Ahh my vagina hurts, let me run to the forums". People are only happy if they are winning. =/
  10. Ken

    group limit

    Define "Active"
  11. Ken

    Changelog August

    You can just press "F" to force the lock instead of manually doing it and its pretty much the same thing as the legacy system @Tachophobia
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