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Posts posted by Mayhem
Money has been added to the gangs. We can not add vehicles to gang garages so they were added to the Leaders garage to move to their gang garage
Tachophobia and OB1 like this -
I didn't agree to this?
9 minutes ago, Ronald said:
Lets Section F ronald into giving me his bank on runescape
1 hour ago, Innate said:
This is what points are for tbh, there really is no reason to section f a constable lol
Also if character and maturity were taken into account we would lose a third of our current APD officers, yes APD is a privilege but this is just unnecessary
I honestly just can't stop thinking about how stupid this suggestion is, there are so many issues with this I can't even be asked to type about all of them.
This ^^^
Innate likes this -
1 hour ago, Austin M said:
Would this time count towards my 25 hours.
Crossfade likes this -
12 minutes ago, Austin M said:
While you’re at it, instead of 50% increase on ticket price give me the ability to increase jail time
For you and you only, when you arrest someone, you have to serve the jail time with them
Bag Of Funyuns, Crossfade, Kernikov and 2 others like this -
12 hours ago, Chris Peacock said:
Ur an idiot lmao. Master crusader gives you 150% of the bounty turn in. (100k bounty -> 150k reward) please know what each thing does before making a fourm post abt it
thoughts on this? you get 150% of the bounty turn in, so what if that 50% came from the bounty you are arresting. Forces them to pay for their crimes
Edit: I can see a problem with people who dont have the money to pay their ticket so we could come up with a resolution. Maybe increase jail timer without being able to lower it or start at 45 minutes and have to press plates longer
20 hours ago, painkiller said:
here is my steam:https://steamcommunity.com/id/notivc/
here is myasylum: https://my.gaming-asylum.com/profile/search?pid=76561198300883892
Fixed it for you
52 minutes ago, Vash said:
No point in changing policies for this as 99% of the times this happens the Constable is going to be outnumbered and fighting against MKs. If you think lethals have been misused by a solo constable, by all means submit an Officer Report.
31 minutes ago, MoLu. said:
Give it to me for free, the mighty Dragons will always have a seat for you.
6 hours ago, Lex said:
how much mayhem
double what he just offered is what i paid
2 hours ago, PGone said:
Ten million I will have him
Thats less than what i paid, no thanks
4 hours ago, Jarvis0101 said:
How much would you sell it for
What would be your offer? would have to be very high for me to sell it.
53 minutes ago, manhua said:
Do you need to tell me where your shed is first? If his position is good, I can offer a higher price to buy it.
DP 15 Near Black market
4 minutes ago, manhua said:
I don't need this house, I need your shed.
how much u offering
34 minutes ago, Chris Peacock said:
Anything inside it?
some lockpicks, redgulls. think a few admin gifts and some guns. id have to check later
5 hours ago, Chris Peacock said:
I know Potato workin hard when i get this DM https://gyazo.com/c1dc66dc7c57cae2a6d3219d3a217938
Should have heard him join mine and Akulas channel asking for help. At the end Akula found it lol
Defragments likes this -
selling athira drug dealer house 1c with max physical and virtual storage. Current bid is 3.5 mil. Sale ends Saturday night EST
snoop likes this -
Added to RDM:
Suicide Vests:- Suicide vests no longer require initiation to detonate in crowded areas or to save a captured gang member.
- If seen wearing a suicide vest you may be shot on sight by any player without initiation.
Added to Housing:
- Players who are logging in with the sole purpose of keeping houses without actually playing, risk their homes being removed with a warning. Accounts will be reviewed by Senior Admins to determine if the player is playing the bare minimum to maintain properties. ( After 2 months of low activity you will be contacted )
Added to Exploiting:
- Using Advanced Flight Model to fast spool a helicopter, regardless of the situation will be considered an exploit.
- Shooting the back of Quilins to cause them to explode
Property Protection:
- Attempting to destroy/steal a player's property/vehicle opens you/your group up to one way initiation with the opposing group.
- Attempting to destroy a player owned home only grants the homeowner one way initiation with you and your group - This does not apply to group/gang members houses or houses you have keys to. The gang spawn building is excluded and all gang members are able to protect this property.
- Guessing a groups password to join and betray them is not against server rules. Your group should be more secure. (Not an update just a clarification)
Could put 2 tabs where one tracks deposits/withdrawals and one tracks the cartel deposits only i guess. Outside my pay grade though
A "Member" role has been created in teamspeak. Players will need to provide Valid PIDs to be reviewed by admins to be given the role for obvious reasons. We dont want another incident like last time.
Chris Peacock and Defragments like this -
We can discuss about possibly adding a ts role for non APD/AFD whitelisted players, but it would only be given to long term players after a verification process if we went that way
Ronald likes this
Asylum Meet and Greet?
in Off-Topic
not unless @Innate beats you too it