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OG Blunt

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Everything posted by OG Blunt

  1. lowest offer right now is 4m
  2. 13.5m for Paris shed
  3. can i have someone else buy in my place?
  4. what if I'm not home
  5. ill do 12m for paros shed
  6. STEAM: Blunt 01 MyAsylum: My Asylum - Profile (gaming-asylum.com)
  7. also if the server didn't normalize cheating like there's nothing they can do about it unless its obvious, maybe the cops wouldn't need op shit. but in all fairness, there will always be cheaters, and people hiring people to do it for them so yeah
  8. so how does this fix the prices or do yall just like being right???
  9. maybe there should be a price drop on rpgs and vests. 230k for vest and 130k for a rpg that's been nerfted to a firework launcher, it's not really helpfull when you rob a bank that give only 300k
  10. watch wipe happens, farmers gets farmers bulding, dh/ds gets dh/ds house maybe - a few, pygros still gonna be dead, Nv gets gang fort building and athria houses, and the rest rush for sheds, then the rest is goanna be barren wasteland. after a few months of extra grinding from old heads they'll realize, Wholey shit this server never goanna be in it prime again, but still keep all the property and complain Cuz no one wants to play with them on a dying server anymore other than the same people they been playing with for the last 3 years
  11. lmao sure too newer people but Cleary you've been living in Athira too long. Kav and some gangs are full or was and still is filled with semi racist people. all because someone has to report someone saying the n word doesn't mean people don't do it
  12. this server has gone through a lot, and no one wants to say it but it's the abusive ass admins that killed this server/ not to mention the slight racial undertone some of the server gave off. allowing the bigger gangs to just pretty much do whatever and have infinite money/gear. also there has been people who have been playing this server for well over 5 years plus and are still in the same gang they started, never allowing a cycle of newer gangs to build and prosper. I say the best solution would have more than one server running like the old days 2 or 3 so at least you can build a smaller loyal people on those servers, but as far as I see it, yall are wiping the server I put over 3gs down in for lack of effort, thanks mitch 🙂
  13. thats why cop left your rat ass, your gameplay no fun and not fun to fight, feels like we in preschool playing hide and seeks
  14. filli the master of the one kill and run unless they naked businessman
  15. https://imgur.com/a/cphNzeo selling 1c 170m from HQ has view on HQ entrance and right deer stand. taking best offers
  16. you didnt kill me tho, wanna show the clips of the 4 times you died befor hand?
  17. 3c https://ibb.co/X71fr82 https://ibb.co/k3J33RQ taking best offers
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