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王 Ari Petrou 王

APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by 王 Ari Petrou 王

  1. Mass re-invite, Join back if you were banned by a rouge staff member https://discord.gg/V4t5SUu

  2. Can someone confirm if Patato retired because of Jesse’s shit update? On the other hand thank god Kelly and Nick are not admins. Congrats to the others

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 王 Bobby Leel 王

      王 Bobby Leel 王

      @Ignis You go pound sand you fat piece of shit. 

    3.  王 Ari Petrou 王

      王 Ari Petrou 王

      Yeah ignis fuck you retard

    4. Ignis


      Just call me  Ignis 

  3. This update is shit

  4. Congrats @Foxx123 on Corporal!🎈🎉🚔

  5. Meeting went well! thanks Ben Dover , Foxx and Coast Guard Bro for attending

  6. Merry Christmas! 🎁 🎄

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