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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Tachophobia

  1. Amazing re-work, thank you!
  2. Tachophobia


    nigga SHUT UP
  3. If we’re starting a discussion on the aspects of Player v. Player combat within the confines of the Asylum gameserver, we must begin with the cartels. There is a HUGE section of the map dedicated entirely to combat and roleplay-less engagements. Cops seldom patrol this desolate wasteland and new players largely consider it a death sentence to simply enter the Warzone Island or the Drug Peninsula. However, I’m sure the uninitiated would be surprised to learn that this area of the map is mostly un-populated, as cartels are only truly fought over when two large groups/gangs are online, a group wants to hold drug for the processing bonus, or the Chinese/Dragons group is 12 manning the caps at 0200 in the morning. Cartels are easily in one of the worst transitionary periods ever seen by this server. When compared to the Olympus cartel system, they come off as a relic of an older, slower time when fights weren’t so fast-paced and the 20 minute cap timer was something of a necessity. With the removal of the cap cooldowns, there is honestly no reason that after a single fight that a group of 4-6 players should be forced to idle on a cap for 16~ minutes, browsing TikTok, waiting for the 100% to pop so they can entertain themselves elsewhere. Additionally, we all know that the payout system newly implemented has players scrambling to sit on caps to secure the 150,000 that comes with it, however I’d say that I’ve noticed a distinct lack of fighting, even with these new incentives added. In my opinion, an easy fix is a slight buff to the tax the cartels take from various money-making methods to incentivize gangs to set up “pay out” systems and reward newer or poorer gangs for contributing to the fighting environment. Alongside my previous suggestion to lower the cap timer for faster-moving fights and generally less boredom on the cartels. These ideas combined with Chris Peacock's PERCENTAGE based pay-out system instead of a cooldown (effectively a re-implementation of the cap cooldown) might help to re-vitalize the cartel fighting environment.
  4. Chris is playing under "Zeus"
  5. How about you give cops an incentive to start the event? I've spoken to MANY higher-ups and they refuse to start the event because they think it'll just give the rebels free contraband. Higher ups need to grow balls or there needs to be an incentive for them to start it outside of giving MKs to SWAT Officers. Give a pay-out to cops regardless or make it harder for rebels to complete... idk. It's a really cool feature I've NEVER seen used.
  6. He wants LSD moved back.
  7. Are you still talking, retard? Here’s the thing, little nigga, eventually the CPU in your computer will stop screeching like a dying cat and give up- you’ll have to go outside and cope with the fact you live in a third-world Eurotrash nation subsidized by the American taxpayer and I’ll make sure to drop a big mac out of my boeing so you can use the wrapper as roofing material for your hovel.
  8. i actually didn’t want to get banned off the forums for it, ngl. otherwise you’d be the cover
  9. Hello everyone, I've never been terribly gifted at editing or remember to clip my kills AT ALL. I hope you enjoy the ones I managed to snag from reality. Have a great day and god bless @Djmon!
  10. Keep talking shit about my boyfriend and you'll find your entire family backed over with my honda civic you absolute runt lick human being. You're lucky you live so far away or else you'd be in my torture dungeon reciting Chow Mein's Little Red Book.
  11. Chow is so cute when he spits facts like this.
  12. no shot ur using 8 month old clips
  13. yeah its an example, i just want the forum to get dripped up
  14. i mean it was a web development suggestion
  15. Quick example of how we could make... some minor attempt at having tags that make sense and look like eachother. Uniformity and aesthetics. We got like hella designers, take that boy goyney off adidas duty and have him whip up a set of tags.
  16. would be cool if you could buy an abandoned house for a small price but you lose it on restart. "You are about to purchase an abandoned building, with XXX physical and xxx virtual inventory. Due to the nature of the building, the government will condemn it in XXX minutes and you will lose access to it." might help new players try to do a run of more complicated drugs.
  17. Turning up brightness makes the scope unusable, all the small tiny flecks are HUGE.
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