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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Tachophobia

  1. Polar needs out of the gang for this one.
  2. cool enjoy ur harassment ban @King
  3. thanks for all the nice comments guys its my first montage idc if they're single kills its supposed to be funny please dont bully me or i will have all of the admins in my gang ban you 🙂
  4. I suck at editing and I've never made a montage before in my life, but most of these clips are just funny/goofy... Special fuck you to @Ahm2dfor having ping and eating like Nikocado Avocado. No hate plz
  5. Don't talk to the crimson overlord like that, dude... he's like frickin awesome.
  6. Wait a minute... This is... Oh my god, ITTTTZZZZZZZZ LLLLLIIIIITTTTTT 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  7. blud needs to get kicked from the gang for this
  8. You're accepted for an interview with Chief Recruiter @william- Please join the Crimson Discord and ping any senior member... Also, proof of thug shaker may or may not be requested.
  9. My thoughts exactly. However, I spoke to an APD Lieutenant who dropped an officer into an active arena and he told me there was no "rule" against it so it wasn't technically wrong, so I was hoping to have the rule added in officially under event disruption for certain members of the community who don't agree that it's event disruption.
  10. I believe there should be a rule to prevent APD Officers, Bounty Hunters, warring gangs, etc from entering closed event areas, such as the duel arena (which you spawn inside with a kit and de-spawn when you get hit), paintball area, and jury duty area. It'd be quite silly if you went to go to jury duty, paintball, or even enlisted in a duel and someone was dropped into the duel arena/hiding in there to down you. https://wiki.gaming-asylum.com/wiki/Duel_Arena Just saw this, maybe add it to the official rules?
  11. Why do you have so many 1k's that you speed up and edit together to make them look like they aren't 1k's. Good 'tage, though. Love the Type kills.
  12. foul. leaking crimson gang comms. +4 points.
  13. I think they should be lessened and I don't see any other threads about this. Can we get the price lowered? Maybe 50,000.
  14. Don't think anyone invited you or cares about what you say. BTW, you wanna' do a run some time? Charks had an open key slot to his puri house and hooked me up, so I can help you out if you want.
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