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Everything posted by santiao

  1. You're just a bitch abusing administrator rights. You've had stealth access on rebel bases.
  2. https://www.acfun.cn/v/ac28888162 blamed. You're trying to justify your Alt + F4.
  3. I have a house for the dp9 rebels. The distance is 500 meters.
  4. https://gyazo.com/ec8a07a43bfae8937087c664f4fca5d8 450 meters from dp9 rebel outpost. The starting price is $2 million.
  5. http://tieba.baidu.com/p/7068932508?share=9105&fr=share&share_from=post&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version=
  6. http://tieba.baidu.com/p/7068931047?share=9105&fr=share&share_from=post&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version=
  7. https://www.acfun.cn/v/ac17256262 I fly a lot faster than him. I didn't reduce my flight speed. And I'm still accelerating. But I didn't know he exploded..
  8. 我们可以听懂一些英语。但不是全部。
  9. You have to be able to use google translate. You have to be an adult. You have to meet 200 hours. We just want to fight for the cartel. You have to like the Chinese.
  10. FUCK WALT 你是特朗普派系的混蛋。傻逼翻译去吧。
  11. https://www.acfun.cn/v/ac16761370 有两个视频。请耐心观看。谢谢您的175K。脑死亡的飞行员。
  12. 我草。你不玩了吗?
  13. 去赌场啊。分分钟几百万。 不然妈的我钱都花不完。
  14. 妈的。让他加RPG。这样打的爽。背一个打架贼刺激。 Let's see him in the shop. I want to experience the feeling of being bombed before. I haven't seen RPG missiles for a long time. Hope to join the store. Chinese people want to see them in the shop. Experience the feeling of explosion.
  15. Let's see him in the shop. I want to experience the feeling of being bombed before. I haven't seen RPG missiles for a long time. Hope to join the store. Chinese people want to see them in the shop. Experience the feeling of explosion.
  16. Why did you cancel RPG? When can he come back? The chance of Airdropping inside the box is too small. Hope to add RPG missiles. Return to the fight before.
  17. Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.Add RPG missiles.
  18. I just want to say that the rules governing asylum are shit.Waiting for processing takes dozens of hours. Can't I just change it? Who's got to get rid of the fucking ban? If the forbidden person dies, will he wait for the next fucking life? 等待处理需要等待几十小时。就不能换个人处理吗?非要他妈的谁禁止的谁解除?如果禁止的人死了就他妈的等他到下辈子吗?yusheng给他们翻译下。这个翻译的意思不太准确。
  19. Yusheng is not Chinese. He is Taiwanese. He was expelled from China. He is not fit to deal with the problems of the Chinese people. We can translate and communicate with you.
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