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    Robbed of 2850 likes.
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    Crying over the loss of my likes.

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    Athira Support
  • Asylum Gang
    Forklift murderer.

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  1. Thought this was gonna be a side chat getting disabled constantly fix
  2. Oh I agree, I've said many times nerfing money making only hurts newer players. The older player base already has money and the means to make money through the groups they play with but passive mode john is fucked
  3. Added to exploiting Shedding/unlipping vehicles into structures Intentionally unflipping a vehicle into a structure/object or closing a door/gate to destroy a vehicle that doesn’t cause the death of another player shall now be considered exploiting. Intentionally soft logging after being revived/reviving another player to bypass the revive cooldown is considered an exploit
  4. What may seem fun for some may not be fun for the ones on the receiving end. Finding the balance is the hard part.
  5. are you there? administrator

  6. #37750 l am a chinese player and l like this server very much, but l must use vpn. this is the white list l applied for, please kindly approve it. thank you

  7. Ronald

    Gang Boat Change

    Most likely if this goes through, can't really put them in free fire so this is as close as they can get
  8. With the addition of the small circles marked on every drug dealer/wongs the below has being removed and now falls under the "within the circle" red zone ruling. Removed; Interaction range. Wongs, Drug Dealer - The target must be within range of using the NPC/Sign. Added; Harassment Addition Bringing anything that is personal to a player into ANY public space of Asylum, without their explicit permission is not allowed.
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