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APD Corporal
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  1. CTRL + Q It doesn't do anything besides lean u over for a second. CTRL +1 or shift + 1 still changes your fire mode which I assume is the idea behind this.
  2. Another idea would be just make the sell prices for the vehicles equal to the buy price or a little less considering that they are brand new and "going to market" where others would buy it.
  3. The vehicle production factory is pretty much useless the time and effort it takes to try and save a few thousand isn't worth the effort. If someone is trying to use it to sell the vehicles it isn't worth the effort either as selling each item individually nets more then the sell price for using all those items with exception of the truck boxer which nets about $150 over the value of selling the items individually. The effort and organization to make the truck boxer isn't remotely worth the cost. So I propose that the monetary cost to make the vehicles be reduced and/or the material cost to make the vehicle production a more viable money method considering that it is like triple processing things like Heisenberg and cocaine bricks. More interesting ways of making money is a good way of ensuring that the server last longer. As such this is one method of making it more interesting and worth the effort of the vehicle factory. It would also be pretty easy to do then some other ideas as it is just changing a few numbers to lower values.
  4. The Vulture-picked up $450,000 off the ground https://gyazo.com/11cab195fb0416aa416aaa1201a0d2d8
  5. The rebels should still be allowed to be inside the Fed and set up and fight during this time
  6. the event is meant to be challenging, not a roblox tycoon. The purpose of the Federal reserve is to be an end game event where groups of rebels fight the APD for that delicious mullah. Not about grabbing some gold bars and hoping the cops are too busy to arrive immediately. The event should have a evidence lockup style disable systems before domes could be broken into. something around 4-5 minutes should allow for the federal reserve to become what it is supposed to be.
  7. Yes, I've had full and pleasant conversations at those events where we say hi and how your doing XD
  8. With the addition of the Speed camera's I thought one way of making them useful would be to have them be viewable as a uav feed on the side of the screen. Not sure of the technical difficulties but sounds like a useful idea.
  9. I bid "outrageously high number I obviously don't have" HA HA BEAT THAT
  10. if they exist they have plenty of friends and is likely at the evidence lockup. Its existence means lethal city. no seizing required.
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