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Everything posted by andy7255

  1. Quality Song Spend about 10 mins googling what this song was called. For anyone else wondering the same question.
  2. Meanwhile I have a gun pointed to my head.
  3. https://streamable.com/dbdw9 My POV of Wookie's shenanigans
  4. Usual day in Kavala it seems.
  5. I was not expecting this. 10/10
  6. Spawning with a debit card is super useful. Means it pretty much impossible to rob you. Unless the catch you when selling.
  7. The problem is the bounty hunters who don't say a word then down you and send you to jail or the bounty hunter who think they are cops until they have a bullet in their brain.
  8. If in doubt drive through them I suppose
  9. This would be the perfect solution for getting rid of the kavala rats!
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