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Everything posted by PGone

  1. 约翰塞纳是个聪明人,他跟你不一样,你就是一个美国的一只臭老鼠,APD我无法呼吸
  2. http://p2.qhimgs4.com/t01b000bbde2228a77e.jpg
  3. 中国女人看不上美国,美国都是病毒,基础设施非常落后,美国没有自由,中国男人拥有大鸡巴,而且中国男人看不上美国女人,美国女人和男人太臭都是老鼠
  4. 草你妈个B 臭老鼠 黑的要死,在臭水沟里跑来跑去,嘴更臭
  5. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KZ4y1V7CR/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.2
  6. 操你妈个B,晚上看不见的臭老鼠

  7. 操你妈个B 晚上看不见的臭老鼠
  8. The dragon always comes first
  9. Just doesn't speak English, otherwise it would be a good APD
  10. 你妈白带往屁眼子溜? 傻狗,说你了吗? 屁眼子事往自己身上揽,现在说的就是你 死胖子
  11. The problem is The other Chinese gangs on The server, not The dragons The dragon will fight them in the cartel and avenge you
  12. Yeah, no one has less than 100ping. We want to have less than 100ping, You can avoid fighting us. You can run when you see us
  13. Good advice, we also want to have under 100 pings but there's nothing we can do about it we use VPN to try to keep up with everyone, we have under 100 pings and we will rule the cartel
  14. @米奇(IFRIT)It is recommended to remove the gold wax to reduce the 3-minute wobble, which may cause the game to be unbalanced
  15. Because the Philippines is very backward and can not use VPN, Chinese players use VPN for better game play and try to avoid similar situation I don't think you have a woman, and you always will, because you are so ugly that no one can look at you
  16. I notice every time you talk about China, you show up and you talk nonsense. Didn't you brush your teeth when you got up this morning? I think it's ugly
  17. Other gangs may lose the joy of fighting
  18. Sounds good, but the battle will be impromptu and impractical
  19. Okay, I'll text you My translation is inaccurate. I'm sorry
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