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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I've played on 80 fov for about 3 years now without changing it. It's a matter of opinion and play style.
  2. Future trials and squires apply now
  3. Always thought you had a feminine side.
  4. You just wanna roleplay with a carryall on.
  5. accepted as an extremely strict trial will pm discord.
  6. The unfortunate reality is that Altis is realistically the best map for a life server in Arma 3. It's huge and has a lot of variety in terms of the landscape. This is less of my opinion and more of a fact. Altis has so many well designed and positioned towns as well as areas for drug fields and such. It fits perfectly into the wheel of balance that spins for a thriving life server. This is what makes it easy for Altis life servers to grow. The other part is that any time we had an alternative map within our server selection it was always a place people almost exclusively went to make money. People are absolutely right when they say that the other map loses its population and hype with in a week to a months time. I personally wish that wasn't the case, because I legitimately enjoyed playing Stratis way back when, and playing on Malden when Strife was a thing.
  7. Took out the trash, apply today boys.
  8. I hope you guys had fun. It's not meant to be a super serious thing, its just meant to get gangs to have large fights.
  9. https://gyazo.com/c5eca8906470c604caae9058a6dbd6d1 https://gyazo.com/39ab71004fdc23b336ecab0d6f1110e3 https://gyazo.com/f41e026f3eac39c592e6a143ddcfc530 i cant drag the picture over anymore what is this horse shit
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