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    Middle East
  • Interests
    Military Simulators, RP Servers, Texturing, Creating Scenarios

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  1. Thanks! Il try to release the PNG and XCF for people to edit it Have a good one!
  2. Heh inb4 wood runs have a good one!
  3. That would be cool Considering there isnt a single black clothing outfit in arma 3 vanilla. Have a good one! Heres the link to a lumberjack outfit i created. Used the dirt models as you asked https://gyazo.com/2cd0d7a5dd75b643edfbc53602959594
  4. Thanks for the info man! il gladly take note of what you said man. Thanks! Have a good one!
  5. Thanks man for the info! I dont think so the admins are hiring ATM designers or something. Never heard of one. Have a good one!
  6. Thanks guys XD Honestly dont know if the admins would approve designers or idk custom uniforms Have a good one guys!
  7. Morning everyone! When i was bored i decided to create some textures. Might be good for this server since were lacking custom textures in the Altis servers Silver SUV: https://gyazo.com/263a6ef85bafa4a2d006f22687fc5bde Rebel hunter outfit (Could be for normal players but it seems like a rebel one :P): https://gyazo.com/22db8bdc7925215647e385987e7c7860 This isnt final since i just used it for normal uses. I could finalize them if some people want the PNG/JPG Have a good one!
  8. Don't worry man! You can speak english which is fine for all of us my english isn't excellent though. From the Middle East I can't even speak arabic! Have a good one lad! Stay safe 911
  9. GL guys! (Might have been a century late) seems like a pretty neat gang! have a good one!
  10. Welcome to the forums mr potato! Have a good one!
  11. Thanks a lot mate! Certainly hope today il be able to live and tell another story XD have a good one!
  12. Yeah XD I was pretty satisfied when you liked my clothes XD. Best robbers ever! I choked on my water when you robbed me of $0 Have a good one!
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