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  1. Midamaru liked a status update by Padrinos, Been a while. You did my cop ride along in 2015. Seems like forever ago   
    Been a while. You did my cop ride along in 2015. Seems like forever ago
  2. Midamaru liked a status update by Roice, Someone ban this retard before he gains weight playing Arma again   
    Someone ban this retard before he gains weight playing Arma again 
  3. Midamaru liked a status update by SharingWriter, I miss the old Rodrigo, straight from the go Rodrigo Chop up the soul Rodrigo, set on   
    I miss the old Rodrigo, straight from the go Rodrigo
    Chop up the soul Rodrigo, set on his goals Rodrigo
    I hate the new Rodrigo, the bad mood Rodrigo
    The always rude Rodrigo, spaz in the news Rodrigo
    I miss the sweet Rodrigo, chop up the beats Rodrigo
    I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Rodrigo
    See I invented Rodrigo, it wasn't any Rodrigos
    And now I look and look around and there's so many Rodrigos
    I used to love Rodrigo, I used to love Rodrigo
    I even had the pink polo, I thought I was Rodrigo
    What if Rodrigo made a song about Rodrigo
    Called "I Miss The Old Rodrigo, " man that would be so Rodrigo
    That's all it was Rodrigo, we still love Rodrigo
    And I love you like Rodrigo loves Rodrigo, hahaha
  4. BlackShot liked a status update by Midamaru, Do something useful   
    Do something useful
  5. antho liked a status update by Midamaru, Do something useful   
    Do something useful
  6. Midamaru liked a status update by SGT. Donny Donowitz, Congrats on Admin!   
    Congrats on Admin!
  7. Heidelberg liked a status update by Midamaru, Don't start this...   
    Don't start this...
  8. Midamaru liked a status update by Heidelberg, STOOP IT MIDA   
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