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Yung Tommy

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Everything posted by Yung Tommy

  1. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k Location (Town/DP#): under DP15 Asking Price: 350k or best offer Description: It is 2.1 Kilometers away from the METH LAB, 2.1 Kilometers away from HYDROGEN SULFATE MINE, 3.1 Kilometers away from PHOSPHORUS MINE, and 1.4 Kilometers away from HEROIN FIELD, plus the beautiful scenery, it is quite place far away from towns so you should have no visitors, and a nice backyard and front yard if you want to have the family over for a barbeque or something. (ps: 300 EPHEDRA is waiting for you.) Pictures/Video Walk-through:
  2. I think they should bring that back, I remember trying to leave my house and getting shot it was fun.
  3. Yung Tommy


    Maybe, isn't their a coke field you have to check.
  4. You should come back man, it is better than it was when you left. ps: I'm sippin tea in yo hood.
  5. Yung Tommy


    Lowkey I feel like they should add pets to asylum. Like how dope would it be like if there was a pet store, then a exotic animal trade and shop.We would have guard animals, I would walk around with a pet lion, like if they do this they could make an illegal animal trade cartel, you go and tame some exotic animals and sell them to like a illegal pet store or something. Then you would have to cap the cartel for it, it would be dope. Let me know what you think.
  6. Application Format In game name: Dirty Bubble Wealth [Money] : 1$ (but its ok I'm peach picking in my quad) Current/ Past gangs: Black Spades, Prizmo, and Division Age [Must be mature]: 7 3/4 Why do you want to join our gang: Because you guys are super cool and dank, like the dankest guys ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you bring to the gang? I bring fun, also I bring my dank personality. Do you know any members of our gang? Yes I know the best players ever like @王luke王 , or Abraham, and the son of the rook god @Acomptis, and the rook god himself @El chapo . ps: you guys are super dank!!!!!!!!!
  7. I mean we don't really consecutively down you, we usually try to rob you for your gear, sell you to other players in the town, and rp with you for pardons, so you can't say we consecutively down you, we like to rp with the cops unless they break it with us. ps: I'm sipping tea in yo hood.
  8. I spread the aids.

















































                                           ps: I'm sippin tea in yo hood.:kermit:

  9. Gonna miss you man, to many people are leaving. ps: I'm sippin tea in yo hood.
  10. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): DP25 Asking Price: Offer Description: It is in Dp 25, less then 800 meters away from rebel, and close to the drug runner, it is a good position if you want to get to Rebel fast and rob a bank or do a drug runner mission. Pictures/Video Walk-through:
  11. I'm sipping tea in yo hood.
  12. I'm sipping tea in yo hood.
  13. how much are you looking to sell it for @Xavorey
  14. Even though we have are differences it sucks to see you go, see ya in the next life. ps: I'm sippin tea in yo hood
  15. give me your money man, its your old pal aids, plus you turned me in more times than I can count, but that's only cause I'm stupid, but anyway see ya in winter buddy. ps: I'm sippin tea in yo hood
  16. Aw man now we cant RDM each other in Kavala. Ps: I wont miss you
  17. I know, I didn't say there all gone. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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