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Posts posted by Mason

  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


    What a child.... 

    Paintballs 2 cops. No punishment

    Gets paintballed. Turns into an angry child. 

    Hopefully Mitch or SAs (if anything like what the CM role was) can step in and A. remove the points you got and B. Give Greg points. What a hypocrite. So much for Captains being held to their own standards.  


    Really funny clip watching an adult throw a tantrum. Made my day. Sorry it was at your own expense halfdrunk lmao. 


    Will also be funny to see if any retaliation that comes from this. Anyone who comments negatively is probably now on his shit list. 😈



    YuSheng, Kelly, Copa and 20 others like this
  2. Not a fan of the new HQ's seemed like each town was unique. Pygros had a dome, Athira had the tower, Kavala has the bank building , air had the military offices, dump HQ has its own unique building. Just replacing everything with military offices =change for the sake of change.  #notmyHQ's 


    Also in air you should remove one of the 10 pillbox structures to add the garage if you want to add aesthetics. Don't remove the briefing wall that we have all used forever 😔

    Bherky, BlackShot, Parzah and 3 others like this
  3. 2 hours ago, Hviox said:

    The support system is absolute shit on this server. There are no admins on teamspeak or anything when we are 3 people getting RDM'ed every staff member has their dms off, I can't verify my phone on discord because discord is a shit app and you have to to be able to type in the discord server. Which means the only way to report someone is on forum which is probably gonna take 3 days+ to get a response since this shitty forum is dead. Shame that a nice server has to suffer from these issues that could be fixed easily

    Admins are a group of volunteers who cannot be in the game or on teamspeak 24/7. All you need to do is record a player violating a rule and report it here https://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/support/

    Admins will get to it as soon as they can typically within 24 hours. 

    Please provide sufficient evidence to help this process.

    Sufficient Evidence -- Vehicular Death Match (VDM) - Roughly 10 seconds before the incident Combat Logging (CL) - FULL Screenshot of a player being downed and immediately disconnecting, chat must be continuous to show timing. Multiple screenshots are allowed to facilitate this requirement. Combat Logging (CL) - Video showing a player being engaged in role play and using ESC suicide or disconnecting to avoid interaction Combat Logging (CL) - Video evidence of a player disconnecting after being killed and then immediately rejoining Random Death Match (RDM) - Video evidence showing 5 minutes prior to the RDM (i.e, 5 minutes prior to your death) Exploiting - Clear video evidence of an exploit happening If you do not have sufficient evidence, you may still make a report to help support further reports on the player. The admin staff have the right to refuse taking action on any report. If you report someone who has already compensated you for a situation, the reporting player is likely to be banned. Reports MUST be filed within 72 hours of the incident. We do not accept 3rd party player reports for CL, VDM, or RDM


    Farmer Steve likes this
  4. 37 minutes ago, LIIR3FL3XIIL said:


    +1 talent point

    +25 y inventory on all vehicles

    +10 y increase to personal

    +1 house

    +200 y increase to all houses

    +100 increase to inventory to all houses

    2% increase to selling anything

    donor 5-

    50 increase to y to all vehicles

    500 increase to y on all houses

    4% increase to selling anything

    +200 increase to inventory to all houses

    donor 10-

    1k increase to y on all houses

    +300 increase to inventory to all houses

    100 increase to y on all vehicles

    level 2 helmet

    7% to increase to selling anything


    No can do. Pay 2 win is not allowed per bohemia's monetization policy. If we allow people to gain advantages by donating we get our servers monetization ability revoked. 


    James Anderson and Joe . like this
  5. 6 hours ago, Smee said:

    just seen some individuals shedding and or flipping cars in deer stands to blow them up, just want clarification if this is a ban able offence ? if not then fine Im going to have fun if yes can we have it written down somewhere to avoid confusion from both domination server and RP 



    Shedding a car is not considered an exploit unless you use it to kill a player. I love stealing cop armor and shedding it outside Pygros HQ


    3 hours ago, Vanilla Coke said:

    Since this is here, I couldn't find an official ruling anywhere (though I'm sure it's here somewhere) on whether or not a collision is initiation (maybe I'm just blind). For instance, if I were driving down a road and collide head-on with another car, may I get out and shoot them without exchanging words? This makes sense in my head as they may be intentionally disabling my car to do just that. Obviously, if they are intentionally disabling my car, it'd be VDM; however, it's very hard to tell or prove whether or not it is intentional when done on a road and the vehicles are travelling towards each other.


    The only conclusion I was really able to draw on my own was that it would just be VDM/RDM, because the other player may not actually have hostile intentions and despite this being a light RP server, it's understandable that they don't want me intentionally slamming my car into others and killing them.

    A vehicle collision is NOT initiation. Either hop out and verbally initiate or text them. If you feel it was intentional report them for VDM but initiation must still take place. 

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