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  1. remember when this server had evidence lockup? yeah me neither it's been so long
  2. there's no way this was posted unironically
  3. nothing will change with his re balance though, because the problem isn't the event its the cops. The APD leadership is ineffective so therefore everything else fails. You can make the evidence the most aids thing in existence and I garentee we will likely still win most if not all of them. You're treating the symptoms and not the cause. There's a reason that when @Rodrigo and his posse are on the cops get a plus 5 to all stats and can be actually competitive, and when they're not they're like small flightless birds cawing for their mom. We as a gang have been pushing for a reform in the APD so that they can be more competitive, but nothing ever changes. So once again, keep making server changes to help a faction that refuses to get better.
  4. once again, not solving the problem just coping with it.
  5. I'd like him to talk with the APD to see WHY they're losing every event, before simply removing it. If the logs show that the vast majority of civs aren't paying tickets, will tickets get removed? Evidence should stay enabled to serve as a constant reminder of the complete failure of APD higher ups, so that maybe... maybe.. someone with a brain will come up with a way to inspire change from within the APD. By doing this, you're just letting them off the hook for sucking which never inspires them to get better. It just shows "Hey, if we really suck so hard the admins will just remove the event so we don't have to learn!"
  6. This is the most bonehead response I've ever seen. You're literally taking your ball and going home because you can't take criticism. Like dude, I'm asking you to play the server so you understand how things are actually going before you make changes, I don't think that's an unreasonable thing to ask tbh. I'm not asking you to play for 20 hours a day every day dude, I'm just saying you should have some time on CIV/COP per month to see how these changes are impacting the community. The biggest problems with gaming servers/communities is when the administration starts to lose touch with their player base, and here I am trying to keep you in touch. But I mean, you can just threaten to leave too if that's how you feel man, idk.
  7. the rebels get downed every 18 secs for 6 secs. If you cant kill a guy who literally goes down every 18 secs and cant play, that's more of a you problem than a server one. or wait i know, crazy idea... you guys actually use swat and push all together! crazy i know
  8. "We're disabling this because it's too easy and you guys are winning too much". Wouldn't you say this has everything to do with the APD LOL. And as far as suggesting content, ask @Gen. Henry Arnold, we suggested a whole bunch of shit and nothing got added. Simply removing the event isn't a good solution, it's just taking you ball and going home because you don't like the outcome. The cops can't win an event so you disable it, it's not the events fault, it's the cops for not using any strategy. Ask the 1-2 cops who have brains how easy the evidence lockup is to hold. But nah we should disable another event lol. You should at least make an attempt to play the server you dev for dude, instead of making shitty change after shitty change.
  9. @Jesse Well, that's certainly one way to go about it. Rather than telling the cops to get good, and forcing them to improve, you cave once again and make them avoid their problem. I would suggest disabling every federal event for the time being as well. I think that we should keep with this theme of giving cops everything they want, so I'd propose removing all rifle variants from rebel as well. Rebels should only be allowed protest signs and shivs, that way the cops can have a fighting chance. Also way to remove content from an already content starved sever LOL. This sets a terrible example for the future of Asylum tbh. It shows that you clearly don't value gangs, only the APD. I guess it should be flattering that we closed the evidence because we clapped the cops too much, but its annoying as well. With you'r stupid federal event timers already existing (Having to wait 1.5 hours for fed to fill up and 1 hr if some retard elevates it w/ a smash) There's less incentive for people to play. The evidence isn't unbalanced or OP, the cops just suck. Perhaps you should disable the APD until they get their shit together.
  10. wow, another great update. 100 emoji
  11. https://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/5-tips-for-fighting-ddos-attacks.html @admins
  12. I like how you just didn't answer a whole paragraph of my post, but I understand, it's hard to talk ill of some of the people in APD. Anyways, of course I wouldn't expect you to justify every promo on a public post like this on name to name basis lol, but I am asking you to justify the promotion process. You say that their isn't a skill requirement, why? Do you think that perhaps there should be? Maybe this is something to look into? Because your officers are frustrated they lose and lose and lose, when is it time to say "hey, maybe we need to start being pickier about who we promote so we're not such a dysfunctional unit".The age old saying "if it's not broke, don't fix it" doesn't really apply here, because clearly something is broken. I see cops pushing for more and more server wide changes to try and compensate for them being poor players, and i ask you, is that fair to the server as whole? You can't put in minimal effort, promote based on "hey this guy logs on alot", and have no consequences and expect anything other than the shit show that already exists. Nothing will change unless the APD wants things to change. You've tried it this way for so long, why not try something new and see if it improves the situation? I may not be a cop currently, but I was for a decent amount of time from V1 and V2. And I can tell you, there may be over 1000 whitelisted cops, but usually over the course of a week the same few faces will log in during a set period of time. So lets say you play from 8pm EST to 11pm EST 4 days a week. You as a higher up, should make it your goal to learn the cops that play that time slot. Learn their strengths and weaknesses etc. Because if you look at the metrics, I'd wager you'd only see about 15-25 unique players playing during that time slot on cop during the week. 15-25 is far less that 1000, and even if you make the bare minimum effort, I'm sure you could at least learn something valuable in that time. But here's the key, you don't want to put in the effort because it takes time and requires effort. It's easier to sit and complain and say "ah theres too many of us to ever get to know anyone, gangs are just better, they have better guns, etc". Because once you opt for making excuses, theres no blame anymore, everyone is absolved of their responsibility and business continues as normal. While this is a good way to make sure no one gets their feelings hurt, it's a poor way to lead a force that ever wants to be competitive. You guys had a really brilliant chance to bring a competitive side to the APD with the introduction of SWAT, but in typical APD fashion ya'll mucked it all up. SWAT could and should have been reserved for officers who wanted to be more competitive and critical of their gameplay. Tac coms/general knowledge of federal events should have been mandatory and the screening/approval process should have been tougher than what it was. You guys had a chance to cherry pick the most skilled officers, and give them an immense advantage to not only succeed but lead by example to their fellow officers, as well as create a group that other officers could aspire to be part of. Instead however, you gave swat to everyone who went to training's, so it's just as watered down as the regular APD. I know several really solid players on the APD who have applied for promos/leadership positions and got denied simply because they aren't what the higher ups are looking for. TLDR: The current situation the APD finds itself in, is caused only by itself. Nepotism, Favoritism, and bad decisions have lead it down the path it currently walks. Nothing will change unless the higher ups who can change things want to, and let's be honest, they don't. The reason I write stuff like this is because the APD are religious forum warriors, hijacking every dev/update post with more and more ideas how to nerf rebels and buff themselves. I've said it a million times, you already have everything you need to win and more, you're just not using it. I like to put my money where my mouth is so once again I'll offer, if the apd would like to do a bit of role reversal we would be down. The APD can play civ and do events and my gang and I will play cop. We'll show you guys how easy it is to win these events (this would most likely need to be on the training server, as many of us are not cops currently and we have 0 higher ups in the gang) but I know ya'll wont go for it. You'd rather just keep making excuses than own up to your own short comings, and unless that changes, nothing else will.
  13. I mean, you say there's no combat requirement for the APD. Then what is a requirement to be honest? I hear all this chatter of "oh we want to patrol more and RP with the civs!" But in reality all I've seen when I used to have cop was people just checking drug fields and downing new players trying to make money. It's also funny how so many cops say they don't want to do federal events, but anytime my gang pings at air shop there's no less than 8 cops waiting for us inside of the fed. Or the higher ups spending their time/money to flashbang down every deer stand in the fed as well. Not to mention the amount of times our gang house/rebel outpost gets raided for warrant stuff. If the cops were really adverse to fighting so much, they wouldn't be doing these things, it seems to me, that cops do want to fight but only when they have a massive advantage. If you're not sure who's good at combat, it's your job as a higher up to find out lol. That's what training's are for and sometimes just asking and knowing your people is enough to craft a competent strategy. And you say gangs all know each other, as a higher up you should know the people who are under you and make an effort to do so. It wouldn't take more than a week to learn the people who usually play your time slot and figure out how to best work with them, because right now it just seems like another excuse. Your other point of knee padding not being rewarded I think is also false. Let's just look at the metrics from fights, how many higher ups are actually getting frags at these events? Because from what I've seen, it's mainly the constables and cadets doing all the work. Hell, some SGTs and higher don't even use combat stance, drive with their glass straight at rebels, and aren't even on full auto for CQC. Another example is, lets look at any female member to join the APD. How many female members of the APD are constables? I'll answer that for you, Zero. If what you're saying is true, every female to come through the APD must have shown an amazing amount of effort to be promoted first round to corporal then first round again to SGT and again to LT. Or more likely, it has to do with favoritism which I mentioned before. Let me wrap up this post because I've clearly gone on a few tangents here. The criteria for promoting officers to higher ups (in my opinion) is inherently flawed at it's core. My reason being that the people who deserve it the most, and would be the most useful at those positions aren't getting it. The APD needs LEADERS at higher up positions, not just yes man/women who just agree with everything and refuse to think outside the box. IMO, there's needs to be a set criteria for getting promoted, perhaps weighing combat efficiency, police etiquette, playtime, and leadership abilities would be a good start. You could also promote different types of people, for example one player who scores very highly on the combat efficiency scale as well as someone who is maybe less combat inclined but expresses better RP skills. These are just suggestions though, an I know that realistically nothing will change but at least I tried to help.
  14. I mean, this is the exact problem I'm talking about. You're not even playing yet you're already making excuses as to why things are happening. The mindset of the APD as whole is "Well we're bad so rebels need nerfs and cops need buffs". Instead of trying to actually get better at what they do. You say superior weapons and entrenched positions, My gang has had to recently fight the cops who are already set up inside of fed the second we ping at a nearby atm. And guess what, we weed them out and take over the fed. As far as weapons go, basically anyone with a pulse got SWAT at this point so thats a misnomer. They have the same weapons we do, and get 3 free pieces of armor to use as well. They just don't know how to use these things, oh and also their spawn is less than 1.5k from literally every event, so if they die, they can be right back with a full loadout. The main advantage gangs have over the APD is that we can communicate and work together to get something done, while many of the cops play selfish and give up before they even get there. The amount of times I've seen 2-3 cops w/ SWAT load outs opt to stay in Telos and just play sniper elite for 15 mins instead of actively pushing fed is astounding. They need higher ups with brains tbh. Most higher up cops are on the money leader board as well, so pulling some additional armor shouldn't be an issue. Hell, we need to pull armor for everything we do, and if we by chance leave it behind the cops get to seize it or drive it around and use it against us (Captains can use ifrits btws apparently since the guidebook doesn't apply to them). TLDR: The issue is, the cops will lose, and continue to lose forever unless someone with a brain and fingers explains to them that they can win these events. The only reason cops hate going to them now is because they lose damn near every one. If the cops were winning every event, we wouldn't be doing them. You're trying to treat the symptoms here and not the cause. Since I write a lot and cops seem to have the inability to understand, let me spell out why federal events are an issue: Higher ups are promoted based on nepotism and unimportant criteria. This leads to the leadership being under qualified and inexperienced to lead their fellow officers. This lack of leadership causes the rest of the APD to lose almost every meaningful engagement they partake in. This leads to the APD being sad and angry and wanting more and more buffs. If you really want to fix the issue. Start winning events, figure out a good strategy to win the events, or promote someone with a brain who can do that. But none of this happen because the APD promotion process is basically just who can kneepad more. So until then, thanks for the millions in guns and gold gents. I looks forward to the next round of rebel nerfs. Side note: You saying it's rebels trying to bait cops into a player report? Ask the admins how many cops report rebels for literally everything and try to bait us. Like rolling up to an event we're about to start with lights on and no siren. Or setting up in fed and placing spike strips on every gate trying to bait us to shoot them.
  15. Hey Patato, I appreciate the response the you gave, it's nice to see a line by line rebuttal of my argument as opposed to just pure flame. That being said, I think it's fair to say you strawman quite a bit in your post. Of course no admin with a brain is going to give 1 mil and a sui vest to every player on the server, im talking in regards to the poll (which the community voted on) and the idea that was just implemented was defeated. So another cop brought it up again, defeated again. But it's added anyway lol. The increased Fed cooldown will do nothing to change the way we play because we have to wait for the fed to fill up anyways. Now, we just need to camp it so that West Side Wetards don't do a 1 bar smash and grab and lock us out of it for an hour. IMO the cooldown should be based on what you get out of it. For example 1-5 bars is 15 min CD, 6-15 bars 30 min CD, 16-32 bars 1 hour CD. That way one idiot with a bolt cutter and a meme can't lock out a group of 10-15 ppl for an hour by trolling the fed. In regards to evidence, you say spike strips got nerfed... how? You increased the price but it doesn't matter lol. Most of these career cops have millions to use so 1k per spike strip is chump change for them. Not to mention, to destroy them using the new "feature" we are locked in a 15 sec animation that has a chance to fail, when spikes themselves are deployed instantly. Also evidence is supposed to be the crown jewel of events for rebels to do right? So why not adjust the loot table like we have asked for, for so long? We want scopes/vests to spawn in the hemmit and perhaps a buff in the drop rate of zephir's/ammo for it. In my experience it's about every 8 evidence lockers we do where we get a zephir, and then after that, we only get 2 mags for it. Sounds like a lot of work for something that doesn't pay back well. That's why I'm complaining, because it seems like our suggestions just get swept under the rug, while other peoples (cops) get fast tracked to the update queue. You say that I'm "disillusioned" about my gang being the cause of these changes, and I say that you are understating the obvious. These passed changes are a direct result of our playstyle and you really can't deny it. I mean, speak to any cop and they'll tell you the same thing. I logged on today and was met with no fewer than 5 people going "oh how about that nerf to you guys, you must be so mad xD". If anything it's flattering that the administration needs to step in to help these kids since we're playing so well, but flattery only keeps me interested so long. I understand the cops need help, but I think the help being provided is being given in the wrong areas. As I've stated many times, I think the cops have every tool available for them to be competitive and win these events, but they just don't use the tools they already have so their trigger fingers become typing fingers here on the forums. Let me put this into perspective, I, a rebel, am paying 35k for my loadout, i pull a hunter (52k) and fill it with a gold bar. My total investment (minus demos/drills/bolt cutters/ etc) is around 87k per each fed I do. Now a cop who uses their free loadout, and a sport hatch (5k) thinks it's unfair I would win that engagement. I am spending over 10x his loadout cost just to get there lol. The reason hunters became op and same with other armor is that the higher ups have no trust in their lower downs. They refuse to pull armor,vans,helis etc that would help them win their engagement. That's where the problem is here, it's not that rebels are too op, it's that the cops are too cheap imo. A sgt or higher could easily pull a hunter, load it with 2-3 ppl and drive around our tempests, shoot out the engine, drop on us, etc. But they don't, they prefer to either play sniper elite in telos, or drive their armor around solo and never drop. That's not a balance problem, that's a game sense problem. Lastly, you said I should my money where my mouth is, and I have. I have applied for mod so a disenting opinion could potentially be added to discuss future changes, but let's be honest my app is probably sitting in the trash can somewhere atm. Another way I put my money where my mouth is, is offering all of the cops a chance to play Civ for a week, and all of my gang would play cop. I guarantee our success rate in stopping federal events would be light years above the current rate. I understand you guys have real lives and can't be on 24/7, but I don't anyone here expects you to be. Real lives aside though, as an administration you have a duty to do right by your community. We've tried to go through proper channels, we suggested things, proposed other things, hell the idea to make corner walls of evidence being indestructible was OUR idea lol. But we asked in turn to have spike strips limited or disabled for giving up those 4 entry points, and to buff the loot inside, neither of which was added or even hinted at being added. This is where the frustration comes in, we don't feel like we're being heard. Either way, I appreciate your time and hope that maybe sometime in the future we can but heads less and actually discuss and be heard more.
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