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So i was thinking that re adding wars between gangs for war kills and rating would be cool for those few but loyal cartel guys.Also they could make war kills-rating over a point give some type of rewards like money or unique textures.I believe this would add more incentive for kavala hobos to form gangs and fight with the regulars players.

Donald, joshuaquep and Gagss like this
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Ive liked the idea of gettin paid from "cartel boss" per kill..So X amount of meters near cap or in cap but should only apply to arms island since its a free fire zone,kinda like rebel forces control the whole island.

If cops raid the cartels you should get paid for it,Kinda how the cops get paid when they lethal someone but in a hint format on the side.(Cartel boss rewarded you for killing APD scum) something witty lol idk.But his would only apply to cartels.(assuming warrant an most things are added back).

When gettin paid its not much like a 1-5k per kill(gang war kills,have to be at war) an goes down if you killed that person each time within a reset that way its not to farmable.For cops it should be a set amount if your bounty is past a certain amount (50k) or higher unless on arms island(its for rebels no cops allowed,or even set it higher idk lol up to discussion. 

Bag Of Funyuns and Donald like this
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