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Expanding Air Vehicles (Jets)

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Before I made this post I tried to find any duplicate posts. I found one over a year ago however did not having any meaningful replies.

The server has severely neglected new content when it comes to air vehicles. I would argue that adding additional jets would not have a negative effect on RP. People will not be inconvenienced in any way with having additional air vehicles to choose from. This would just increase the amount of content for players to explore and spend money on when the usual gets boring. 

If anyone has any input on why this can't be implemented I'd really like to know. 

Edited by Patrick Jumpen
reword for clarification
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I think it's a good way for a money sink, it's harmless indeed. Only reason i would see to not implement it is the effort required by development to put it into the server.

Some players might enjoy it but i wouldn't see most people flying jets. They would probably would be so expensive and likely for me to crash them into the ground that i would avoid using them. Other than that i believe there is a jet already in the game but requires the 10million $ achievement to purchase it.

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