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Backpack Storage Quality of Life

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So! Since the update we have seen changes to the Carryall Backpack from a solid 120 to a 94 storage. Simply put it would be a proficient to level out some of these bags to better numbers and an overall backpack tweek. 
The current system is like trying to bake a cake with 3 totally different measurement systems which just make it impractical to move things around, do runs, sell at commodities, ect.


Most maxed cars, trucks storage end up being 250 storage. 
Others can max out at 500 and 1000. Very even and solid numbers.
Now we have backs with 84, 96, and 94. a very odd metric of measurement. I'm no longer dealing with close to 2 carryall loads is almost a jeep, car, truck load while having my own backpack full as well. Which was good, not perfect but nice even math, solid runs. Now with the new backpack system Civs, Rebel and Bounty get a hard nurf with any type of backpack activity. I'm now seeing 2 and 1/8th plus current backpack while on the go. where I have an added leftover. Basically doing an extra process but at the same time having less. 

It's odd and clunky and makes every run of every type make you come up with less money now making with more time.

What do the numbers mean, Mason?

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