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Changelog - Late January


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  • "Crypto" loot crate.
  • Gold/Iredescence Orca skin for donor 10 and 9 respectively.
  • Cop: Gendarmerie Uniform (Blue).
  • Cop: Gendarmerie Uniform (Grey) for donor 3.
  • Cop: Gendarmerie Uniform (Tan) for donor 3.
  • A map marker will be created when your bounty combat logs.
  • 30/75rnd Lush magazine AK12.
  • Sand magazine for Spar 16.
  • Car garage to the airshop south of Kavala.


  • Everyone, regardless of donor level, spawns with a debit card.
  • Increased the maximum house sell price from $999,999 to $4,999,999.
  • Removed the fullscreen NVG implementation and added a fullscreen NVG item instead.
  • Cops can purchase diving gear at the normal cop clothing store.
  • Replaced the cop Rangemaster Uniform with a new uniform and new textures by @danile666
  • Reworked Kavala by @Jbdragon
  • The drug runner boat can no longer be loaded into other vehicles.
  • Some code optimization.
  • Improved tilde key usage when inside or looking at a heli.


  • Picking up gold bars not being possible in some places.
  • An issue with the gun game event causing server lag.
  • Inability to drop bounty if that person is APB.
Donald, Sentinel, Masonn and 9 others like this
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Can you look into bino's and NVG's being taken when sent to jail?

Im not sure if its when the cops take your stuff(gun.rebel items,or if its from being released from jail.

Something small but ive noticed alot more then i have in recent times.

Nvg's also randomly go away i think,ive only have it happen to me once,but its happen to couple other fellow gang members when i asked about it.

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5 minutes ago, DankBud said:

Can you look into bino's and NVG's being taken when sent to jail?

Im not sure if its when the cops take your stuff(gun.rebel items,or if its from being released from jail.

Something small but ive noticed alot more then i have in recent times.

Nvg's also randomly go away i think,ive only have it happen to me once,but its happen to couple other fellow gang members when i asked about it.

40 minutes ago, Azeh said:
  • Removed the fullscreen NVG implementation and added a fullscreen NVG item instead.


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