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So the second cop number counter needs to be removed. After you disable security it checks for 11 cops again on the demo plant. 


I would say at least 80% of our evidence lockups we start with 13+ cops and by the time the defenses are disabled enough cops ragequit that we cannot finish the lockup. It's really aids. 


Do the single cop check on the defenses and leave it at that. 

Edited by danile666
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11 minutes ago, RoguePilot said:

Have to find a balance on this. There is so much to be gained by completing this event. That is why there is the second check currently. Think more cops to start and just have the one check?


I mean half the time not enough cops are on anyways, and the other half they are dead and do no count towards the limit.  I think 11-13 is the sweet spot, but wherever one lands on the number it needs to be 1 check.  You have seen it first hand with us trying to do it before I believe.  And you see the problem we have run into with cops logging off when we start events in general.  We cannot and shouldn't force people to stay online, but we also should make sure people can complete the event they start if/when the cops quit.   

Also we cannot be the only group that has this issue.  One check is all that is needed.  

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