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Changelog - July

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31 minutes ago, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

Is there an argument that we should, or that we should not?

Back when people didnt have alot of money ifrits we're 80K is, now everyone has millions theyre cheap as fuck, crank the price right back up and give them a risk to being used, be nice to see if we could pull strategy back into fights rather than the 50 ifrit zurg we have now

Vortex, Dan. and Jeffo like this
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30 minutes ago, AdaM_ said:

Back when people didnt have alot of money ifrits we're 80K is, now everyone has millions theyre cheap as fuck, crank the price right back up and give them a risk to being used, be nice to see if we could pull strategy back into fights rather than the 50 ifrit zurg we have now


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8 hours ago, Mr. Slick said:

Federal Event - Mental Asylum

Whoa that’s the name of the server!


8 hours ago, Mr. Slick said:

Players who are donor 7+ and are active subscribers, have the ability to perform a finishing move on a restrained player.

Do RDM rules apply or are donor 7+ allowed to RDM people who comply now?

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46 minutes ago, Trioxide said:

Whoa that’s the name of the server!


Do RDM rules apply or are donor 7+ allowed to RDM people who comply now?

They are allowed to rdm people who comply. Smh why is this going to be a new thing? Everyone is gonna get donor 7 and you might as well never put your hands up again because ita defo not worth it

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6 minutes ago, Don Julio said:

Why did you guys increase the prices of sui vests, pretty dumb in my opinion. No point of paying 250k if someone can pay less than 35k to get their house repaired. Either remove house repairing or make it cost half of the sui vest to repair.

Didnt it used to be 80k?

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26 minutes ago, Trioxide said:

Are you sure? That’s pretty fucking dumb lol

Yeah, they can execute restrained people so like whats the point you might as well just throw everything you have at em

21 minutes ago, 王 Ari Petrou 王 said:

Great Update!

Yeah, I like them bringing back phone calls, I'm so excited to try it

Edited by RaNgerR
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1 minute ago, .Max said:

mabye cops would have more fun if they fixed the faction and gave them a chance by having more active higher ups and not promoting corporals like vista. if the higher ups where more active and didn’t just play for their 25 hours than mabye the apd would be able to use more armor and win fights instead you have 1 or 2 active LTs or mabye if their was something that you would get out of retiring that would purswade more higher ups to retire and bring new active ones in

I would agree with you accept for the fact that cop numbers have dropped because cops dont want to do federal event after federal event after federal event. Cringe all you want but Asylum is listed as a "Light Role-Play server" and feels more like a cops and rebels wasteland server. Most of the servers roleplay came from the cops side but has drastically changed due to there now being more federal events then natural interactions and fights that use to come from cops actually patrolling. Even now as im typing this there is now the new event active, at the same time Athera bank was being robbed, not even 30 minutes after pyrgos bank was being robbed, fun fun.

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I see where your coming from

10 minutes ago, .Max said:

mabye cops would have more fun if they fixed the faction and gave them a chance by having more active higher ups and not promoting corporals like vista. if the higher ups where more active and didn’t just play for their 25 hours than mabye the apd would be able to use more armor and win fights instead you have 1 or 2 active LTs or mabye if their was something that you would get out of retiring that would purswade more higher ups to retire and bring new active ones in

blame the losses on the other half of  the higher ups. also the apd haven’t lost a mental asylum event

Perswade?????? Hahahaha don't you mean persuade?? Hahaha

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1 hour ago, .Max said:

I understand where you are coming from with the whole fed event spam and stuff and a lot of cops liking to go arround and patrol and not deal with fed event after fed event. However theres a lot of things that cops can do to help win fed events if they have higher ups on. I think thats a issue right now with the APD because there are LT's just sitting arround who have been here for 5 years just waiting to get captain and doing nothing but holding a spot of the rank that someone else could be useing activly and helping the apd have a better chance at winning things and doing better durring fights. No higher ups want to retire because they get nothing out of it. It makes sense but no one can rank up because everyone is taking up "spots" because theres no point in retiring if there was something behind it that inspired more people to step down or let other people have a chance at their ranks there would be more higher ups on allowing more rebel equivalent things to be pulled. with that being said I completly agree with what you are saying about fed event spam I just think theres also a issue with ranks and people getting promoted and just jamming up ranks. Theres not a lot of flow in promoting people and that just causes higher ups to sit at their rank and play their 25 hours and not play anymore and just keep the rank. something needs changed

people like winning if there was a way to give cops more of a equal chance to win it would make the game fun and inspire people to do less fed events because the apd is good and that would also give them time to do their "patrols"

You said durring and for some reason I must inform you that its spelt during

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5 hours ago, RaNgerR said:

Yeah, they can execute restrained people so like whats the point you might as well just throw everything you have at em

What I’m asking is do rdm rules still apply? Before the update, you could still kill restrained people as long as they were initiated with you. I’m asking if using the new executions counts as “killing” someone and must only be done to people you are initiated with. 

Edited by Trioxide
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2 hours ago, Blake. said:

Yeah Those devs that work for free and try to make content for people to have fun! FUCK THOSE GUYS

Ok maybe I sounded a little ungrateful, but this is not the case. I do appreciate the work that is put into the community by the devs, but im still not excited about having another federal event to be spammed. I do also realize that this has been a issue for a bit and fixing it is easier said then done. Doesnt change the fact that it still sucks in the mean time.

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- Increased the price of RPG rockets.

I'm sorry but are you taking the piss a little? 
I love the changes your doing and making the server have content and that you wanna lower the explosive but you making rpgs 252k +40500 for laucher (292k) which bare in mind is not always a guaranteed kill on vehicles/helis? Like its not the fact that your making them harder to get you literally making it so people will not use them why would someone was over a 1/4 of a mil to have a chance of blowing up the vehicle/heli, lets be real even if it was dmg increase to guarantee the kill its not worth it it was already high as it was  

Edited by MysticLion
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8 hours ago, Trioxide said:

What I’m asking is do rdm rules still apply? Before the update, you could still kill restrained people as long as they were initiated with you. I’m asking if using the new executions counts as “killing” someone and must only be done to people you are initiated with. 

That I do not know

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6 hours ago, Ken. said:

Ok maybe I sounded a little ungrateful, but this is not the case. I do appreciate the work that is put into the community by the devs, but im still not excited about having another federal event to be spammed. I do also realize that this has been a issue for a bit and fixing it is easier said then done. Doesnt change the fact that it still sucks in the mean time.

just play cop when i am on cop then events will not be spammed 🙂

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4 hours ago, Riv6r said:

just play cop when i am on cop then events will not be spammed 🙂

Maybe you should play cop a little bit more then 🤷‍♂️

On 7/9/2021 at 2:40 PM, .Max said:

add back rain!!!!!! thunderstorms on altis!!!!!



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