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Airplane Trunk Space - Make it 120

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" I agree that the planes should have much more Y inventory space.  It would make them viable for drug running as it's very possible to land and take off from most locations.  To make it worth the risk of running drugs in a plane, they should be able to carry more." -Goldberg Attorney at Law

^ Planes add another dimension of gameplay and drug running, right now the risk/reward is not high enough. Risk is way too high for only 80 weight. I now propose 120 weight for all planes, I think everyone can agree this will not be game breaking in ANY fashion. Planes are hard to fly, expensive, and have huge risk. Those who chose to run money with planes should have higher reward for the trouble they go through.


A bit of info on plane weight vvv


The gross amount a Cessna 172 can hold is around 1000 lbs. 200 lbs for fuel, which leaves you with about 800 lbs for people and cargo. If we assume the planes will be fueld with the pre notion that there will be 4 passengers at 170 lbs each - that leaves us with 680 lbs in body weight.

After subtacting body weight and fuel weight, we get a remainder of 120 lbs - which is my proposed weight that the Cessna can hold in the trunk


1000lb gross weight - 200lb for fuel = 800 lb

800lb - 680lb for passengers = 120 lb

remaining 120lb = cargo weight



Edited by Tiefman
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A HEMMT Box carries the equivalent of a 20 ft high cube container.

A 20 ft high cube container can load 43 cubic meters, or 43,000 litres.

43,000 litres of salt water weighs about 95,000 lb.

Conclusion: According to your logic the HEMMT Box trunk space needs a serious over-haul. (no pun intended, but see what I did there :D ).

Edited by Big Fred
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4 minutes ago, Goldberg Attorney at Law said:

I agree that the planes should have much more Y inventory space.  It would make them viable for drug running as it's very possible to land and take off from most locations.  To make it worth the risk of running drugs in a plane, they should be able to carry more.  

added to main post if u dont mind

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