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unwhitelist medic


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Medic, in my experience, has always been something you could just hop on and make some extra money. these days, all these new players, they get fucked over running drugs or whatever. we should make medic not whitelisted, it’s a faction that really doesn’t need to exist whitelist wise. let the new players make some easy money, with no risk, and keep them interested in the server. like i’ve said on here before, some of these new players might be able to contribute greatly to the server but they are getting run off by people who don’t care about growing server pop. 


not only does it get them money, it gets them familiar with the server overall. i understand that it would be a pretty hectic situation unwhitelisting medic, since there’s so many people involved in those roles. but you gotta look out for the future, we won’t get far if we can’t expand our development team. they’re doing great work rn, don’t get me wrong, but extra hands never hurt. and we’re currently pushing those potential extra hands away. 

Edited by GravL
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5 minutes ago, GravL said:

Medic, in my experience, has always been something you could just hop on and make some extra money. these days, all these new players, they get fucked over running drugs or whatever. we should make medic not whitelisted, it’s a faction that really doesn’t need to exist whitelist wise. let the new players make some easy money, with no risk, and keep them interested in the server. like i’ve said on here before, some of these new players might be able to contribute greatly to the server but they are getting run off by people who don’t care about growing server pop. 

An unexpected smart post

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To be honest I'm not completely against making the faction public again to some degree. I think the issue has to due with regulating medics on the server.

If it is completely public, there is no way you can enforce any type of faction specific rules. This means that medics will be swarming cartels, be personal medics for gangs/APD, and be held to zero professional/RP standards. I assume that most would say who cares, but then after they kill someone at a cartel that keeps getting revived multiple times without a cooldown, they're opinion might change.

Another issue is the vehicles currently available to the AFD. How will the armored vehicles be regulated? Will they be removed entirely? Or are we going to give every medic hunters and striders and let them run loose?

The public medic days were a lot of fun, but its easy to forget the amount of VDM that took place with dirt cheap vans and helicopters. A solution could be to make the vehicles just as expensive as civ, but this makes it difficult for new players to make a profit on medic.

It's easy to dismiss the AFD as useless when you spend all of your time on the server fighting cartels or doing federal events. What about the newer and less competitive players who have much more frequent interaction with medics? The new players who get fucked over making money are very often saved by a medic who, if the faction were unwhitelisted, would not come to revive them.

I recommend either adding a couple public slots with limited equipment for new players to try it out, or relaxing some restrictions on medics being at cartels/federal events to make them more involved with the cops vs. robbers dynamic.


Silver-Spy, GravL, .Nathan and 2 others like this
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I don't understand what unwhitelisting the AFD medic faction has to do with new players being slaughtered in drug fields by experienced ones.
Allowing brand new players into the faction (which permits 15 year olds, and used to allow people without mics or the ability to speak English) would make existing problems worse and create new ones.


9 minutes ago, Donald said:

I recommend either adding a couple public slots with limited equipment for new players to try it out, or relaxing some restrictions on medics being at cartels/federal events to make them more involved with the cops vs. robbers dynamic.

This should be implemented for the APD as well, allowing new players to be Athira security guards or mall cops with free tac vests and PDWs.

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23 minutes ago, Kernikov said:


I don't understand what unwhitelisting the AFD medic faction has to do with new players being slaughtered in drug fields by experienced ones.


it doesn’t have anything to do with that, it’s simply another route for new players to take that isn’t nearly as risky and won’t make them quit the server, i used that as an example of how hard civ can be for them


34 minutes ago, Donald said:

I recommend either adding a couple public slots with limited equipment for new players to try it out, or relaxing some restrictions on medics being at cartels/federal events to make them more involved with the cops vs. robbers dynamic.

i agree, this way we can still have all the faction roles, as well as the benefits that come with them. maybe just make the couple public slots we could potentially have, only have EMR rank. 

Edited by GravL
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After some thought I believe the most logical and fair for everyone approach would be 5 unwhitelisted slots, EMR or even something lesser. Obviously no access to armor or helicopters, just offroads and maybe hatchbacks.


completely unwhitelisting this faction is gonna shatter the egos of some of these high ranking medics. if you thought bbgreg was power tripping wait until some of these retards come out the woodworks.

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15 hours ago, Donald said:

To be honest I'm not completely against making the faction public again to some degree. I think the issue has to due with regulating medics on the server.

If it is completely public, there is no way you can enforce any type of faction specific rules. This means that medics will be swarming cartels, be personal medics for gangs/APD, and be held to zero professional/RP standards. I assume that most would say who cares, but then after they kill someone at a cartel that keeps getting revived multiple times without a cooldown, they're opinion might change.

Another issue is the vehicles currently available to the AFD. How will the armored vehicles be regulated? Will they be removed entirely? Or are we going to give every medic hunters and striders and let them run loose?

The public medic days were a lot of fun, but its easy to forget the amount of VDM that took place with dirt cheap vans and helicopters. A solution could be to make the vehicles just as expensive as civ, but this makes it difficult for new players to make a profit on medic.

It's easy to dismiss the AFD as useless when you spend all of your time on the server fighting cartels or doing federal events. What about the newer and less competitive players who have much more frequent interaction with medics? The new players who get fucked over making money are very often saved by a medic who, if the faction were unwhitelisted, would not come to revive them.

I recommend either adding a couple public slots with limited equipment for new players to try it out, or relaxing some restrictions on medics being at cartels/federal events to make them more involved with the cops vs. robbers dynamic.


I think if a system is setup so you can report someone that is abusing it in those "Combat Medic" situations then admins could blacklist them from even joining the faction.

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Add 3 non-whitelisted slots. They get an off road and if caught doing something wrong they can be blacklisted from joining the medic slots

i dont agree with just nonwhitelisted cops. Cop is a faction where u must know what you are doing. There are many rules that could get other officers in trouble not just the non whitelisted ones 

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On 3/9/2024 at 6:42 PM, Donald said:

If it is completely public, there is no way you can enforce any type of faction specific rules. This means that medics will be swarming cartels, be personal medics for gangs/APD, and be held to zero professional/RP standards. I assume that most would say who cares, but then after they kill someone at a cartel that keeps getting revived multiple times without a cooldown, they're opinion might change.

Another issue is the vehicles currently available to the AFD. How will the armored vehicles be regulated? Will they be removed entirely? Or are we going to give every medic hunters and striders and let them run loose?

The public medic days were a lot of fun, but its easy to forget the amount of VDM that took place with dirt cheap vans and helicopters. A solution could be to make the vehicles just as expensive as civ, but this makes it difficult for new players to make a profit on medic.

It's easy to dismiss the AFD as useless when you spend all of your time on the server fighting cartels or doing federal events. What about the newer and less competitive players who have much more frequent interaction with medics? The new players who get fucked over making money are very often saved by a medic who, if the faction were unwhitelisted, would not come to revive them.

I recommend either adding a couple public slots with limited equipment for new players to try it out, or relaxing some restrictions on medics being at cartels/federal events to make them more involved with the cops vs. robbers dynamic.


Its pretty easy to enforce a bit of basic faction rules. We just give the admins the ability to blacklist from the slot like we can for cops. One click and it doesn't matter what rank they are or if their whitelisted. They can't play that faction but arn't banned from the server.

As for the vehicles/"Abuse" of medic. My opinion has always been who cares?
If a civ group wants to take a MK out of the fight for cheaper armor and faster revives let em. I think its perfectly ok to roleplay a corrupt medic. The only thing is we obviously need a way for cops to RPly punish it. Either by sending them to jail or some sort of "Revoke medics license" like bounty hunter.

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Medical Abuse charge is a 10k ticket then make it able for medics to go to jail

1 hour ago, Patato said:

Its pretty easy to enforce a bit of basic faction rules. We just give the admins the ability to blacklist from the slot like we can for cops. One click and it doesn't matter what rank they are or if their whitelisted. They can't play that faction but arn't banned from the server.

As for the vehicles/"Abuse" of medic. My opinion has always been who cares?
If a civ group wants to take a MK out of the fight for cheaper armor and faster revives let em. I think its perfectly ok to roleplay a corrupt medic. The only thing is we obviously need a way for cops to RPly punish it. Either by sending them to jail or some sort of "Revoke medics license" like bounty hunter.


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Guest Doomba

Unwhitelisting medic will cause more issues than it would solve. We just need a fleshed out faction with more features and policies ala Olympus.

I used to abuse the shit out of unwhitelisted medic when that was a thing so I know first hand why this would be a bad idea lmao

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6 hours ago, Doomba said:

Unwhitelisting medic will cause more issues than it would solve. We just need a fleshed out faction with more features and policies ala Olympus.

I used to abuse the shit out of unwhitelisted medic when that was a thing so I know first hand why this would be a bad idea lmao

False - find another thread to shit post in bud

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