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Changelog September 09/08/24 (sunday)


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A small note regarding the upcoming patch:

As many of you know, we've recently undergone a transfer of ownership which involved moving stuff and setting up all the necessary systems. This process took more time than anticipated and unfortunately did cut into our development schedule for this patch.

We decided to still move forward and release a smaller patch to prevent an extended time without updates and use this as an example of the more open communication we want to strive for.

We appreciate your patience and ongoing support as we work hard to bring the server back to its full potential. Your dedication keeps Asylum strong, and we're excited for what's to come.

You can expect the patch to be released by the end of this week or early next week.
An exact date will be added here in a couple days

Patch will release on Sunday the 8th of September

  • Tri-Weekly Domination Event
    • Tuesdays @ 5:00PM EST, Thursdays @6:00PM EST, Saturday 3:00PM
    • At the above times Domination will pop on the island.  One of four zones will be randomly selected to be contested. (Sofia, Panagia, Arms Island, Drug Peninsula)
    • For 90 minutes players will be able to spawn at the Domination Rebels and participate at the event, they will be fighting over a pot of the Governors money, and a tax of all weapons and vehicles bought during the event.
    • Players will be paid if they have at least 250 points with a bonus for placing top 5.
    • There is a random chance when a flag moves that one of the flags will spawn a:
      • Hotzone: Points gather twice as fast
      • Hardpoint: Control of the hardpoint goes to the gang with the most players within the flag zone
      • Defuse the Bomb: A bomb is placed at the point, the gang who defuses it when the time expires gains 250 extra points to their score
    • During the event a myriad of optimization features are enabled within the area to delete vehicles, suitcases and corpses within the zone.
    • Players during the event receive 2x blood money for all kills in the zone
    • Hit "J" to see all the gangs and their points
    • Pot counter above the top three on the side of your screen
    • Cartels in the area are disabled during the event, Arms Cartel does not take a cut from the rebels
  • Random Event Additions
    • During the restart we have added a number of random events that will spawn in different locations.  They are able to be contested by APD and Rebels although the APD is not required to attend.  If they are not secured within the time limit they will self-destruct
    • Disabled Vehicles
      • One of the following 3 vehicles are randomly selected to spawn [Ghosthawk (Armed), Prowler HMG, Minigun Boat]
      • Players scroll on the option "Secure Vehicle"
      • If the players gang is securing the vehicle when the 15 minute timer expires they will be able to use the vehicle for the restart
      • If the APD secures it the vehicle will be seized by the officers
    • Rebel Weapons Cache
      • A weapons crate will spawn randomly on the island, the loot table is the following:
        • [Suicide vests, grenades, flashbangs, Katiba, Type 115,  Mk200, LIM, RPG-7, Ak12, MXC, MX, ADR-97 Both variants]
        • Players scroll "Secure Vehicle" to set their gang as the securing group
        • Players will have access to the loot after 15 minutes
    • APD Cache
      • A disabled Huron full of APD loot will spawn on the island, loot table is the following:
        • [Mk200, Suicide Vests, Grenades, LIM, RPG-32, CMR-76, Zafirs, MK1, Spr-17, MXC,MX]
        • [Lockpicks, redgull, speedbombs, element 115, remote explosives, arsonist kits, bank notes, meth, goldbars, etc]
        • Players scroll "Secure Vehicle" to set their gang as the securing group
        • Players will be able to secure the evidence shipment and the Huron by securing it for 15 minutes
    • Hotzone Event
      • At random a cartel point will be selected as a Hotzone.
        • During the event kills within the capture zone receives 2x blood money
        • The gang holding the cartel when the event completes receives a 300k bonus.
  • Cartel Bonuses
    • Gangs will now receive a cash bonus when they fully capture a cartel. 
    • This bonus is tied to the percentage that the gang has captured and the number of players online.  If you capture from 60% up to 100% you will receive less than if you captured from 100% down to 0% and back to 100%.
  • National HQ Admin Event
    • The APD Commissioner has requested the return of the APD National HQ as a base of operations for the APD. 
      • Cops can spawn here and do all of the things that they would normally do in any other HQ, except this one is better
        • The Anti-Air turret/security fense is only active during the admin event though...... unless? No jk its only enabled during the event
    • Event:
      • An admin can activate a raid of the National HQ.
        • Players will be prompted to join via a "9" popup on their screen, they are then put into the raiding group and teleported nearby to gear-up and supply.
        • APD officers are able to spawn in the HQ until the perimeter has been breached to defend their headquarters.
        • Civilians must breach all layers of the HQ security to successfully secure the APD intelligence and receive their payment.
  • APD Weapon locker
    • Can be found at every HQ (cabinet hanging on the wall next to the store npc), allows you to store some guns/clothes to swap between them (CBRN suit for uranium etc)
  • SWAT Rework V1
    • Please keep in mind this is an early iteration of a reworked SWAT system, there are more changes coming to how exactly this system works but we wanted to move forward with this early version to see how exactly it would affect federal events and the community. We will be keeping a close eye on the system and apply balancing when needed.
    • Loadouts
      • Non SWAT whitelisted officers now receive a scaling amount of "upgraded" loadouts when a federal event pops based on a few criteria, We will be tweaking these values to maintain a proper balance.
        • Amount of opposing players
        • opposing players gear
        • a few other factors
      • The "upgraded" loadouts are NOT SWAT (MK1, helmet, etc) kits. but are bound by the same rules (no dropping gear etc, an updated APD policy will be available before the actual patch)
      • The loadout contains a weapon slightly above that officers rank, therefor increasing APD effectiveness overall vs only buffing a few select SWAT officers
        • Cadet: MXC
        • Constable: Type 115
        • Corporal: Type 115 / Spar 17
        • Sergeant+: MK-1
    • SWAT Garage
      • Based on the same factors as described above the amount of available SWAT vehicles will scale accordingly.
  • Ability to repair vehicles at fuel stations for a small fee coming soon
  • Vehicle garage at storage facilities
  • Loadout option at turfs (these will be separate loadouts due to the different availability of weapons/items)
  • MX Smoke Launcher and Ammo to Skiptracers
  • Gang skins (Want your own?
    • Crimsonimage.png
    • MSKimage.png
    • BBNB


  • Asylum+ loadout slots increased to 10
  • SGTs can now open house doors
    • They are still unable to seize house inventory
  • MobileHQ cooldown reduced to 15mins
  • A drivers license is now required to purchase a vehicle
  • Hunger reduced by 10%
  • Thirst reduced by 15%
  • Getting out of vehicles will automatically turn off your engine (and save your ears)
  • Vans are now available to constable+


  • Restrain Check
  • Gold bars now consistently affect the weight of the vehicle they are in
  • Drug runner waypoints
  • Lockpicking not setting off vehicle alarms when installed
Akeelagi, Mr. Chow, Fitz and 24 others like this
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  • Mitch pinned and featured this topic
9 minutes ago, MoLu. said:
  • Getting out of vehicles will automatically turn off your engine (and save your ears)
    It is recommended to change the control option in the phone Settings, I prefer to use the engine sound to cover my footsteps in the battle

This wasn't really a personal setting idea, after the first Domination event on S1, hearing all the vehicles on after people got out or shot out was annoying
It's a QOL thing for others to benefit from
(and its only for ground vehicles before someone asks)

Good critique though, always willing to listen for feedback and things can be changed

王 rando 王 likes this
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1 minute ago, Trioxide said:

what's the point? why not let us claim the vehicles?? same with the rebel vehicle airdrops

These are a different tier of vehicle than those.


Plus people won’t use them if they can claim them, we want to incentive the fight for, and around them.  If you can just put it in your garage you’re probably not going to use it that much/ at all.  It becomes more of a vanity item.

Yung Jaypl, Sikorsky, Mitch and 1 other like this
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25 minutes ago, Tom said:

I don't think many people will be able to play the domination on Tuesday at 3 PM EST. I would recommend moving it to 5 PM EST when it was during s2 domination.

Also, please make it so when the domination zone spawns you get a domination kill stat / death if you die within the domination zone.

Good work!

agreed! The average us work day is 9-5. Tuesday needs to be pushed back to 5pm est at least. 

Mitch likes this
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22 minutes ago, Joe Sha said:

Server turning into an rdm project or domination server rather then a life server. I would expect this to limit your player base further.

I understand where you're coming from but the idea behind these changes is to allow more civ vs civ combat for the people that want it and that will in turn reduce the constant fed event load on cops allowing them to actually patrol and interact with people once again. the domination event will have no impact on you if you dont want to participate.

DarkKnight likes this
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2 hours ago, Joe Sha said:

Server turning into an rdm project or domination server rather then a life server. I would expect this to limit your player base further.

Why do you say that? Clearly the RP side of things is were Olympus is winning. What more could they do to separate themselves from the competition? 

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3 hours ago, Mitch said:


  • Loadout option at turfs (these will be separate loadouts due to the different availability of weapons/items)

This doesn't seem like a lot, but we had a discussion about this a few weeks ago where I specifically asked to at least have a loadout option added to turfs. It's minor, but getting minor fixes and tweaks pushed on Asy has been a problem for awhile. This is the first time in YEARS I feel that my input has actually mattered and been addressed in a timely fashion.

Off to a good start. Now the key is staying consistent.

Inshallah Asy will rise.

Edited by Yung Jaypl
Jr4life24 likes this
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21 hours ago, Yung Jaypl said:

This doesn't seem like a lot, but we had a discussion about this a few weeks ago where I specifically asked to at least have a loadout option added to turfs. It's minor, but getting minor fixes and tweaks pushed on Asy has been a problem for awhile. This is the first time in YEARS I feel that my input has actually mattered and been addressed in a timely fashion.

Off to a good start. Now the key is staying consistent.

Inshallah Asy will rise.

wait isnt this the guy that sold foot pics on onlyfans?

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  • Mitch changed the title to Changelog September 09/08/24 (sunday)
  • Fitz unpinned and unfeatured this topic

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