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House Construction

  • Able to buy unfinished buildings as a property.
  • Property has a virtual depot/pot to input materials.
  • Depending on the amount of materials gathered, property can be turned into certain sizes of houses ranging in material costs, unless the size will obstruct nearby structures, after purchase, the house will be updated after the next restart.
  • Certain properties around the map should not be able to be bought. (Up to devs ig, some might be too op)
  • If a player wants to change their house type, most existing player houses shall be able to be "demolished" which will turn them into an unfinished building after restart. (Maybe only houses that aren't too close to other structures)

    House replacement example:



  • If a player wants to change the color of their house (not the type of house), they can purchase a house renovation from a selection of options through the house menu, changes apply after restart.
  • Utilizing the existing systems of being able to place sandbags and stuff you buy from rebel, you should be able to purchase even larger decorative objects and place them at Gang Fort, and Gang Boat, R2+ can place and remove these objects. Objects should only be able to be placed in certain volumes to stop objects from blocking certain spots like stairs, doorways, and vehicle spawns, only a certain amount of objects can be placed within a certain radius of each other.
    Objects will be removed once the gang doesn't have the Fort/Boat

  • Unlikely, but perhaps a similar object placing system can be added to player houses, however, there will also need to be a way to stop objects from being placed in broken spots. There will also need to be a strict limit, as dozens of players having objects being placed in their houses might end up fucking the server up.


If you believe there to be any issues with this idea, let me know

Edited by Iuke
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So let's say this system applies to all non-ruins construction buildings:




There is only 260 of these buildings on the map.

  • 35 in Kavala+Aggelochori
  • 4 in Athira
  • 10 in Pyrgos
  • 1 in Sofia


I'm not sure if the very low amount of these warrant that much work. They would have to make a UI for selecting house type, create a database for saving the house replacements, coding the way to make those house replacements function as a normal house (IE: House Menu, Inventory, Lockable Doors, etc). Also those Kavala numbers are fairly inflated since Kavala is a very large city and most of those are on the outskirts where nobody would ever own a house anyways, if we're talking located actually in the city it's more like 10.

I feel like this would take a lot of time to have working properly and there's many other things they should be focusing on.


And then let's say we add the ruined variant of the construction buildings as well.







There is only 281 of these buildings on the map.

  • 38 in Kavala+Aggelochori
  • 6 in Athira
  • 12 in Pyrgos
  • 2 in Sofia
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6 hours ago, 王 rando 王 said:

So let's say this system applies to all non-ruins construction buildings:




There is only 260 of these buildings on the map.

  • 35 in Kavala+Aggelochori
  • 4 in Athira
  • 10 in Pyrgos
  • 1 in Sofia


I'm not sure if the very low amount of these warrant that much work. They would have to make a UI for selecting house type, create a database for saving the house replacements, coding the way to make those house replacements function as a normal house (IE: House Menu, Inventory, Lockable Doors, etc). Also those Kavala numbers are fairly inflated since Kavala is a very large city and most of those are on the outskirts where nobody would ever own a house anyways, if we're talking located actually in the city it's more like 10.

I feel like this would take a lot of time to have working properly and there's many other things they should be focusing on.


And then let's say we add the ruined variant of the construction buildings as well.







There is only 281 of these buildings on the map.

  • 38 in Kavala+Aggelochori
  • 6 in Athira
  • 12 in Pyrgos
  • 2 in Sofia

"If a player wants to change their house type, most existing player houses shall be able to be "demolished" which will turn them into an unfinished building after restart. (Maybe only houses that aren't too close to other structures)"

Also, demolished versions should have a way of being repaired within the system, and honestly it's not even that much work. For 541 extra houses that doesn't seem like a "very low amount".

Edited by Iuke
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25 minutes ago, Iuke said:

"If a player wants to change their house type, most existing player houses shall be able to be "demolished" which will turn them into an unfinished building after restart. (Maybe only houses that aren't too close to other structures)"

Also, demolished versions should have a way of being repaired within the system, and honestly it's not even that much work. For 541 extra houses that doesn't seem like a "very low amount".

1. Where did you get the number 541. My script only pulled 281 including the ruins variants.

2. In my script I also had markers placed on the map at same location as each of these buildings, most are on the side of MSR in the middle of no where. Very few of these are in locations players would actually want to own a house at.

3. You’re absolutely right, it’s not much work to just put a scroll option on all structures defined in an array, and then have that option remove the previous object, add a new object with the old object’s position and rotation. It was so easy in fact it took me less than 20 minutes to do and I barely know any of SQF syntax.

3. If everyone could just change the house type of every house then literally every house on the server would either be an Industrial Shed or a 220k 3c.

4. How much are the unfinished buildings? Cheaper than a 3c? If you can make it any house type clearly it’d be not worth it to make it a 1c or 2c right? Or maybe the price is even less than those houses? If that’s true then what happens if you list it for sale once it’s made into a 3c? Infinite money glitch? Count me in!

The ability for every player to change the color, not type of house, would be the only worthwhile thing to spend effort on.

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21 minutes ago, 王 rando 王 said:

1. Where did you get the number 541. My script only pulled 281 including the ruins variants.

2. In my script I also had markers placed on the map at same location as each of these buildings, most are on the side of MSR in the middle of no where. Very few of these are in locations players would actually want to own a house at.

3. You’re absolutely right, it’s not much work to just put a scroll option on all structures defined in an array, and then have that option remove the previous object, add a new object with the old object’s position and rotation. It was so easy in fact it took me less than 20 minutes to do and I barely know any of SQF syntax.

3. If everyone could just change the house type of every house then literally every house on the server would either be an Industrial Shed or a 220k 3c.

4. How much are the unfinished buildings? Cheaper than a 3c? If you can make it any house type clearly it’d be not worth it to make it a 1c or 2c right? Or maybe the price is even less than those houses? If that’s true then what happens if you list it for sale once it’s made into a 3c? Infinite money glitch? Count me in!

The ability for every player to change the color, not type of house, would be the only worthwhile thing to spend effort on.

"property can be turned into certain sizes of houses ranging in material costs"

If they want an industrial shed, it will take days of grinding materials, getting wood, stone, glass etc. But I dont even think an industrial shed should be an option as there wouldnt be room to fit one for where they're placed, the gif shows only houses that are basically the same size

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25 minutes ago, Iuke said:

"property can be turned into certain sizes of houses ranging in material costs"

If they want an industrial shed, it will take days of grinding materials, getting wood, stone, glass etc. But I dont even think an industrial shed should be an option as there wouldnt be room to fit one for where they're placed, the gif shows only houses that are basically the same size

so they’d just buy materials at commodities trader? aren’t sheds like 500k market price now, im sure your raw materials are gonna cost far less than 500k lol

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26 minutes ago, 王 rando 王 said:

so they’d just buy materials at commodities trader? aren’t sheds like 500k market price now, im sure your raw materials are gonna cost far less than 500k lol

all depends on how much materials you need to make one, but like I said I think a shed will be a exceeding what you can make

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