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Allow Tier III armor / Fatigues for Union card


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Currently all they can purchase is a tactical vest which is Tier I. You're weaker than a APD Cadet with this armor.
I have a few skins I've purchased over the years and I cannot use them with the union membership either. Such as Orange Camo CSATs.

I've been actively using my union membership up and until I'm in combat. The trade off of 10% increase profits are quickly dying off when I need to re-kit myself + the vehicle. The players are killing us in two shots or less with 7.62. 

I've swapped over to bounty hunter and ate the loss of 10% increased profits so I can actively eat a few rounds *sometimes*.

I'd love to hear feedback + discussion points.

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4 hours ago, Akeelagi said:

We got rid of csats and carrier lites a while ago due to armor stacking issues the community brought up and possibly problems with BI ( not sure if I’m remembering something else with this or not.) 

I believe you cannot wear CSATS+Level 3 and it'll force drop it off of you. You trade off the protection on your character to my knowledge.

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16 hours ago, Oib55 said:

Currently all they can purchase is a tactical vest which is Tier I. You're weaker than a APD Cadet with this armor.
I have a few skins I've purchased over the years and I cannot use them with the union membership either. Such as Orange Camo CSATs.

I've been actively using my union membership up and until I'm in combat. The trade off of 10% increase profits are quickly dying off when I need to re-kit myself + the vehicle. The players are killing us in two shots or less with 7.62. 

I've swapped over to bounty hunter and ate the loss of 10% increased profits so I can actively eat a few rounds *sometimes*.

I'd love to hear feedback + discussion points.

Union members aren’t rebels, you’re law abiding citizens that in a real world don’t need level three vests.


ill look into adding some additional clothing options but if you want to be a rebel be a rebel.

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