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Dont Let The Flame Burn Out

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Here we are yet again. Asylum is not doing so hot. My belief coupled with conversations I have had with other players in-game have come up with a different take on Asylum Life. A Taki-lifestyle structed gameplay but on either Altis or another non modded map. Open to any feedback or edits.  See Below:


  • To maintain order and actively patrol the designated BLUFOR side of map
  • Combats Opfor which are KOS for them
  • During MARTIAL LAW can utilize armed & armored vehicles to return order to the island
  • Any other pertinent dutIes to maintain a safe environment
  • (will require a soft restructure of ranks to properly distribute duties)
  • Staff Checkpoints
  • Can declare MARTIAL LAW
  • COAST GUARD BRANCH -  Needed to patrol water ways and unmanned portions of border
  • Same cartel roles as it is now



  • To maintain order on OPFOR  side of the map and patrol illegal areas
  • Combats BLUFOR which are KOS for them
  • During MARTIAL LAW can utilize armed & armored vehicles to return order to the island
  • Staff Checkpoints
  • CIVS are not KOS, must initiate on them.
  • Access to upgraded rebel gear
  • Passive income can be generated by having CIVS process and sell on the Opfor side of the map'
  • Same cartel roles as it is now
  • Can create gangs or terrorist cells that can PVP eachtoher


  • To thrive as a civilian in an almost active warzone
  • Access to PMC (bounty hunter)
  • Access to basic rebel gear
  • Can either do legal or illegal activites on either side of map
  • Ability to be elected Governor (ability to be impeached?)
  • Medic Faction will fall under this faction
Edited by Ebola
MrTracksuit, andyr, Kawaii and 3 others like this
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so your idea to save the server is:

  • split an already small player base into strict factions that divides the map and isolates players
  • fundamentally change the core RPG life experience by implementing strict faction warfare
  • overcomplicate police and rebel/civ interactions by creating an entirely new faction with KOS rules
  • create a new useless faction that will never be used
  • encourage militarization of a life server by adding martial law (which can give factions extreme power swings) and add a focus on armed, vehicular combat
  • give players free money without the risk of negative player interactions (again, see bullet 1)
  • destroy a risk/reward system of fighting caps on rebel, patrolling on cop, bounty hunting on civ

i put more thought into betting red or black on the roulette table after 6 drinks in vegas than you did into your post about exterminating the server and its community


someone more competent take some ideas from reborn or olympus and put the classic asylum spin on them instead of promoting this garbage

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