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Garage fees seem to be fairly hap-hazard, I feel as though these garage fees have been pulled out of thin air - and garage fees definitely add up over time.

For example:

- Police Hummingbird costs 20 000 dollars to buy. It costs 2500 dollars a time to pull out.

- Police Hellcat costs 70 000+ dollars to buy, yet this one costs 100 dollars a time to pull out!

These aren't the only vehicles, but how do the developers justify these garage fees? :thinking:

Edited by finn_
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I mean to be honest who cares? The Hummingbird has way more uses than the hellcat anyways. The only thing a hellcat is good for is spotting and moving quickly. Mostly the only fees they seem to have changed are the popular combat and money making vehicles like the orca, armored vehicles, hummingbird, HMMT etc. And all the police fees are based off their civ counterparts so on civ a hummingbird is what 80-90k? probably why its so expensive compared to it's price on cop.

Edited by Tyler
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