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Asylum Gang



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  1. Overview: The idea is to set a limit on how much money a player can have, capping it at 10-20 million dollars. But increasing the rate you could make money. This would encourage players to spend their money instead of just saving it all. By having a cap, it could make the in-game economy more active and help money circulate more, which can benefit everyone in the game. Pros: Encourages Spending: - Players are more likely to spend their money rather than hoard it. - Increased spending can boost in-game activities. Reduces Wealth Inequality: - Limits the amount of money the wealthiest players can accumulate. - Promotes a more balanced in-game economy. Stimulates Economic Activity: - More money circulating can lead to more in-game opportunities. Makes it easier to make money: - Encourages more fights Cons: Implementation Challenges: - Players might find ways to hide or transfer their money. Unintended Consequences: - Could lead to instability in the in-game economy if not managed properly.
  2. [ABOUT US] The Perez Cartel originated in 2020, mainly running the drug cartel in Kavala, we disappeared for a bit, and we are back now better than before. This time we are gonna be more organized, and get this show on the road. [RECRUITMENT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS] - Knowledge of Cartels, Diamonds, Weed, Coke, Crank - Tactical Communications - Know how to use a gun - Have enough money to get going. - Team Oriented - Must Follow all Server Rules - Have over 300 hours on Arma III. [PERKS] - We can provide passive income. - We will protect each other making money. - We will provide knowledge on how to make money. - We accept newer players. [ROSTER] 1 - Boss: Tony Perez 2 - Underboss: N/A 3 - Lieutenants: Adrian Perez Tyler Perez Lenny Perez 4 - Enforcers: Busbombaren DripDaddy zachm Patheticflower Deadsec Will 5 - Foot Soldiers: Tan user1 jj Cap. Mack II seshollowaterboyz popko William CT Muranyi Graphite scorp Application In game name: Age: Location/Time zone? Discord user? (we will contact you)? Wealth (how much money?) What are your previous gangs? How much hours have you played on Asylum/ARMA (screenshot)? Why do you want to join PC? Anyone in the gang that can vouch for you?
  3. The FIA is a gang focused on team work, guerilla warfare, and more, we normally stay wherever we need to stay at, that be kavala, pygragos, athira, sofia, we don't like sitting in just one spot, we aren't a try hard gang but still manage to get stuff done by doing guerilla moves on cartels and more, sometimes we also play antistasi if you wish to join us one day. The requirements to join are the following: 1.-- most have discord, if you are interested in joining us, remember to add me in discord, Xeno#9346. 2.-- Must remain calm during comms. 3.-- You need to be at least 16+ old 4.-- You need to have a stable economy, we can help you with that. 5.-- Must be willing to work as a team 6.-- No racism or offensive comments towards other gang members. This one is pretty self-explanatory, don't offend other people in the gang. 7.-- must have at least enough money to afford a house. 8.-- if you do join, you will stay at level 5 until u played long enough with us to assign you a role in the gang. Here are some pics we took during the past days and months
  4. Anvil Industries 'Inspiring Integrity, Powered By Precision' For those gangs or individuals who wish to purchase security services: Please contact us by either of these means: Directly on Discord: AceAnvil#2000 Our Business Discord: https://discord.gg/4DZQn6UZRY In-Game: Anyone with The Tags [ANV-7] [ANV-6] [ANV-5] [ANV-4] Ensure to fill out a Request Service Ticket on our Discord: This will open a private and secure chat room between our management team and yourself to discuss your needs and pricing. *Disclaimer* Packages and pricing can be tailored to clients specifications and are subject to change. Please Leave any questions bellow and I will answer them as soon as i can.
  5. Greetings everyone! My name is Oreo, Some may know me as the man with a walking stick or the man who drives a go kart speeding down the MSR, you might be asking, why is this dumbass texting here? Isnt he a Medic? Shouldn't he be in Kavala square??? While those are the correct questions to be asking, the reason i am here today is to make a proposal. Are you tired of being constantly busted by the APD and Not having a Cartel to generate income while you're asleep or doing someones mom? Are you tired of not having Security to guard you and escort you on your high risk drug running? And most importantly are you tired of having the biggest gangs roll up on you all by yourself or with a couple of friends telling you hands up or die? Well my proposition here today is an offer, An offer to join something greater, A group of tightly bound friends who back eachother up as Brothers, This group i speak of, Is the Asylum Life Spartans, The Spartans have been active on and off for about 3 years now, Comprised of many people from many different backgrounds, consisting of Veterans, Civilians, And Active Military alike, We run High risk high reward operations doing Cartel Caps, Busting people out of police custody, plenty of drug running, and most importantly, We hunt down turtles with straws. There are opportunities to move up, and grow as a member of the Spartans, You will be paid in Asylum money for training, you get paid for almost everything you do for our group, Compensation for lost equipment out on operation etc etc, We are constantly looking for people, and we would love to have you, yes YOU, you sexy son of a bitch, So come on down into my DMs and I can hook you up with an invite. Hope to see you join us! - Former Spartan Aviation Director, Oreo. (Wingz#0819)
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