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new player & veteran player even suggestion

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Admin event for new / veteran players ; spitball idea -> -> ->

Before  I start, my first memory on asylum probably 7-8 years ago was jumping in the back of a hemmt with a bunch of randoms and some dude leading us to go run weed for the very first time, then being chased down by cops, getting processed by the OG mr monopoly man, and falling in love with asylum right after.

So my idea is short and simple, add onto it or just tell me I'm a dumbass, but it sounds good in my head for potentially retaining newer players and setting that "hook", but also  giving veteran players fun as well.


Admins will spawn a box full of gear for all players, full rebel load outs, or troll pdw loadouts. Then admins will spawn in a couple 50 cals or minigun quilins, and a hemmt transport & begin the journey. It could be something as simple as smirnoffs alcohol runs he used to do, or weed runs. 

Basically an admin event where gears supplied, interaction is present, and of course, cops try to stop "the convoy", and if successful, which is highly likely, still offer a compensation prize to those who participated. 


It could need a lot of tweaking, it might just be straight ass juice of an idea, or it could work and someone see's what I'm trying to put down.


WaltJJ and JotaCe like this
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