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  1. Squanchy liked a post in a topic by DEADSCAPE in [OPEN] Unseen   
    The Unseen Gang was established August 14, 2021, when two friends, DEADSCAPE and echols, decided to create a gang for more experienced players, that didn't require a certain amount of activity time or tons of money to join. It was created to use the experience of those players to rule over all of Altis and to get rid of the toxic gangs that have plagued Asylum for too long now!

    The Unseen Gang's collective plan is to grow in experienced members that have over 800+ hours of experience, but also take in some newer players to show them the ropes on how to make money, and sustain themselves. Our missions is also to be diversified with our players being international from all across the world, so that we as a clan can guarantee our mission is operational 24/7. We want to rules the cartels, gangs turfs, and also do major crimes such as Federal Reserve, Bank of Altis, and Mental Asylum.
    We also have implemented a payout system that allow players that primary PVP to still make money in the way that they love. The payout system is new to our Gang and will still need some work, however, it will pay members for certain contributions from our Gang Bank Weekly. This gives an incentive for our members to fight for Cartels and Turf Zone.

    DEADSCAPE Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/DEADSCAPE/

    800+ Hours Playing ArmA
    Understanding of How to Generate Income
    No Toxicity
    Age of 16+
    Understanding of Maneuvers and Callouts/Language During PVP 
    Must have Discord

    In-Game Name:
    Hours Playing ArmA (Link to Steam Profile/Screenshot):
    Hours Playing Asylum Life:
    Previous Bans, if NOT applicable enter N/A:
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    Reason for wanting to join Unseen:
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