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About Akula

Chief of EMS
Retired APD Captain

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  1. This has been changed, All Constables+ can deploy as srt for dom
  2. ^ Shoot me a DM so I can look into it, Sui vests do not require initiation
  3. No, the dollar amount you pay will be doubled, not the level. i.e. if you put $10 towards vip we'll double that to $20
  4. It isnt being wiped again
  5. if it was a false ban then the points would not stay, Can you pm me with details of the ban in question that was supposedly false?
  6. Yes, anything that was wiped will be merged v2+v3. (minus houses)
  7. Thank you for the suggestion, but we are not looking to go NLR at this time.
  8. Are you sure you aren't just trying to benefit yourself and the houses you have near by? 😁
  9. Akula

    group limit

    Approved Group cap will be increased to 20. Gang group remains unlimited We will continue to monitor and adjust the cap as necessary. We are hesitant to have unlimited groups. We found in the test wipe multiple gangs would group together and steamroll smaller groups/cops. Regarding the Armed Ghost Hawk, we will be removing the ability to arm the Ghost Hawk from APD. The increased group cap will take effect next time we patch, The Ghost Hawk change will take effect immediately. Thank you.
  10. Akula

    remove undercovers

    At this time we are not considering removing undercover as an option.
  11. This is something that was already approved a while back but is lower on the list of priorities for the development team. It will be implemented eventually but there is no timeline currently.
  12. Sunday July 28 2024 at 4pm EST. Bring thoughts, concerns, and ideas. This will be in discord in the community meeting channel.
  13. At least with shadowplay, Set it to save your videos and temp videos to a different drive than arma is on. no issues since Under settings -> recordings
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