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Posts posted by FrankieMHC

  1. On 12/16/2017 at 4:43 AM, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

    I apologize that you were not responded to. Although it's not in my scope of responsibilities. I appreciate what you have done and show cased. If you would be willing. Could you send me a PM of what you had said prior. If you are still interested,  I will advocate on your behalf to get you heard!

    yeah right mitch like you have any authority and your opinion means shit around here! you fuckin' rode dicks to get to the position you're in and what do you have to show for it?! never took a leap of faith, never contributed anything that made a positive change in the community! and never was willing to go out on a limb and give it all you got!!! what is within your scope of responsibility? fuckin' jackshit! you cant manage a community , let alone properly regulate it and script new algorithms to better avoid desync, lag, cross code errors!

    we also have admin whom lack any sort of knowledge on how to interact with the community members outside of their immediate inner circle, bamf will ignore contribution requests in order to keep his power and control over minions like you! its a hierarchy and what a threat it would pose if a more admirable set of characters who actually knew what they were doing stepped in!!!

    more people are actively playing Arma III than there were 4 months ago yet asylum has lost the majority of its population and is looking bad in the server market! everyone is spotting the bologna and cheese sandwich some manipulative fucks have tried to pass as a steak dinner!  

    learn to treat the environment as fit for the positions you are in not a fuckin' playground, your days are numbered and any cash you have stored will dwindle! make sure you do something worthwhile with the next endeavor you may have , as i predict it may be necessary for you to find some other way to occupy yourself

    Edit: 12/18/ 17   12:34 AM (upon further review i realize that this post was hostile and unethical and did not properly tackle any problems at hand although many truths were stated)

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