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Armando Muchacho

APD Officer
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Posts posted by Armando Muchacho

  1. I don't know about you guys but the virtual inventory is great but it could be better

    The only thing i have a problem with virtual inventory is when your car or storage is almost full of ingredients but you still have small space for some more but your inventory contains more than the rest of the containers storage. You obviously can't double click your inventory ingredients and store them because the car/storage crate cant handle that specific amount. Why not update virtual inventory so when you double click your ingredients to fill in remianing space in your storage crate/car. it fills the rest of the space and gives any extra to you. The same concept i am talking about is already built in when players give each other too much items why not have it in crates/cars.

    Sorry if i don't explain it very well, im bad at writing and this is kind of hard to explain

  2. I appreciate the help, i dont get much money because i don't have a job atm and the only money i do get is on christmas and my birthday. Usually i get around 400 on christmas. Arma is the game i have been currently focusing on ever since server 5 came back up. I have other games that i cant run very well such as rust or ARK because my gpu is as good as it should be.

  3. Hey guys

    I built my computer 2 years ago and it ran arma pretty bad. I slowly upgraded over time, my best upgrade was when i went from a FX 8320 to an i7 4790k. this boosted my fps from 10-30 in kavala/agia to 30-65.

    I was super hyped because i could actually play much better. Today im still unhappy how arma runs. Combat is very hard to do because i get this stutter of lag spikes anythime i change Scope peripherals or 1st to 3rd person. This is really annoying in combat and its the reason i die 50% of them time, the other 50 being potatoe. I know that its my GPU because Clockwerk has the same problem i do and we have similar GPU's. I want to upgrade this year during christmas but I am wondering what kind of GPU should i get. It definetley has to be NVIDIA. Im thinking about getting the GTX 970 but there are so many variants of the same GPU i dont know which one is better or worse.

    Heres what i need help with. Find me a good GPU (350$ or cheaper) that will run arma well and be compatible with my build which will be posted below:


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