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Posts posted by Fiz

  1. Application Format

    In game name: Fizz

    Age: 20

    Timezone: Central

    Hours including screenshot: 1400 (Xehons has me added)

    Past/Current Gangs: AiA and Boats and Hoes from Stratis, Bad Blood, Crips, Imperium, Insurgo, Outfits, Vanguardians, Agents, Imperio, and some others

    Why do you want to join ØA : I'm not really in a gang and enjoy doing gang activities!

    Are there any members who can vouch for you: not really

  2. In-Game Name: Fizz
    Age: 19, 3/4/97 https://gyazo.com/41ec058c421c3f102b6b9f8efc0fb52f
    Real world Timezone or Location: USA (Trump Train) Central Standard
    Estimated Asylum Time: 1k hours, 1234 hours on A3 https://gyazo.com/465cb2a1fdb284cca43cbd0d7e66f48d
    Whitelisted on Asylum?:  Y (Cop?) I'm Constable
    Financially Stable?:  Stable, not rich.
    Have you ever been banned? Why? Yes, RDM once, misunderstanding got unbanned.
    Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? Yes and Yes
    Current and Past (asylum) Gangs? AIA (OLD GANG), Bad Blood, Dark Horse Military, Imperium, Vanguardian, Imperio, and a couple other shit gangs.
    If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? not in one.

    Why do you want to join our gang? You got some chill people as I could see from playing with a couple last night.

    Do you know any members of our gang? Sorta know Ginja, I was running cocaine on tanoa and was getting robbed/killed and DB helped me finish my run and were very nice and helpful.

  3. “Application:

    16 Years Old. Very Mature though.

    -In game name: Sergeant Fiz

    - Central Standard Time Zone

    -Previous gangs: Bad Blood (I was a recruit for a couple of days but it didn't really work out), AiA, Vanguardians, Dark Horse Military, Imperium (DJB and Derfrags are assholes),and a couple other shit gangs

    -Hours on arma 3: 900 on this account around 200 - 300 on my alt. https://gyazo.com/f661cc7d7bdacc9592b9e3677c1c2744

    -How much money: 250k'ish

    -Donator rank (if any): 2

    -Why do you want to join: Because I love server 3 and want to play asylum seriously but all the other gangs are shit and full of ass holes

    -Why should we accept you: I'm a good pilot (Debatable), I'm good at pvp fights, and I can be on anywhere from 3-8 hours a day. more on weekends.

    -Hours on asylum (Roughly): 900 at least

    -Have you ever been banned: yes for combat suiciding :l

    -Do you know any of our members: No not really, but I tend to fit in pretty easily with new people!

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