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APD Officer
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Everything posted by setherm1

  1. Exquise me did you mean succs?
  2. Tac lite is the perfect combination that you acquire when you can't decide which to put in your poem.
  3. Thanks, I try to be a spiritual miracle individual.
  4. Roses are red, spars are black, my csats and tac lites makes up for the brain cells I lack.
  5. You c bounty hunter should no be able too turn rebel in if he have a rook because he innocent. Lets make bounty hunters great again, po7s and only bountys over 50k can be caught. Po7 cost should be 10k and death causes total bank reset. #BountyHuntersNeedSomeOpReform #PoorBastards
  6. They are going to hacker man my built in enterwebs and acquire my loose data with the power of DOS. #NOTHINGTOFEARBUTFEARITSELF
  7. My IP is now exposed, not some random small channel I happened across. Please I beggith you not to DOS me.
  8. Disclaimer: If u did this u deserve the results.jpeg
  9. Step 1: Open notepad Step 2: type this not including quotes or parenthesis: label Wow.bat (press enter) start calc.exe (press enter) start Wow.bat Step 3: Save file name as Wow.exe Step 4: Run from filed location and receive extra dedicated wam
  10. When you see a group of dudes vaping in the bathroom.
  11. Rook>7.62. Need 30 rounds and a quick efficient reload? Rook gotchu. Ballin on a budget? Rook gotchu. Need to fend off bounty hunter plebes from your 150k bounty from pistol banging at skip tracer? Rook gotchu. Need to take down that armored vehicle that is taking all of your fully geared friends to hq? Not your problem because you are busy killing plebes and wiping bounty hunters bank accounts 10k at a time. Rooks are not a problem, they are the future.
  12. Lack of sleep hit me harder than a zubr hitting a triangle gang my b.
  13. Me when I need to reload the zubr and avoid the plebe triangle gang shots from their mk 10s-
  14. If you do not rep a rook or a pm 9mm we don't gang gang eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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