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Free Profile Art

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I am offering free photo editing/creating requests, whether it be for your profile picture on a website or maybe even a banner for your social media.

I am doing this for the experience, to practice this as a hobby, so i must say this now, I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL, do not expect top quality product, after all it is free.

So, all i need is a request sent via private message, just include your preferences and any details I may require and i will do what i can. :) 



I Made this in about 5 minutes, i use it as one of my profile pictures!



A quick portfolio i made. http://peeplesdarien.portfoliobox.net/

Thank you.

Edited by Uncle Touchy
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With all respect. 

Put more time in your work. It will have beter outcome's

And don't search a background on google and use it. 

Search backgrounds, edit them and use those so it will be your own work.

Its not wrong to use backgrounds don't get me wrong. But put time in it to make it a cool background.  (Yes you changed the backgrounds a little bit)


Add backgrounds together. Thats something i learned and u will be happy about it

For instance. You have a picture1 and put picture 2 behind it. and lower the transparency of picture1

So picture1 will get more texture

This can be a picture2  https://www.google.nl/search?q=metal&biw=1920&bih=979&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjI2aKRx5rMAhVhB8AKHWeuC20Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=9qbbIl5OB_B1OM%3A


I'm just trying to give some tips. 

Try to go crazy with your projects and try alot of stuff. 

That was a project i worked on tried alot of stuff I'm not PROFESSIONAL either(Picture under this)

it started off by just a simple green background. But by adding mutiple backgrounds ect, and trying alot of things. U can realy create some cool effects.

And for instance for the text i have in that picture. I putted multiple picture's behind it and created a mask. It will most of the time look beter then the standard colors, effects in photoshop


Goodluck with your photoshoping.

Feel free to ask anything 


Twitch banner finish 3.png


Edited by ImJustMaikey
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8 hours ago, ImJustMaikey said:

With all respect. 

Put more time in your work. It will have beter outcome's

And don't search a background on google and use it. 

Search backgrounds, edit them and use those so it will be your own work.

Its not wrong to use backgrounds don't get me wrong. But put time in it to make it a cool background.  (Yes you changed the backgrounds a little bit)


Add backgrounds together. Thats something i learned and u will be happy about it

For instance. You have a picture1 and put picture 2 behind it. and lower the transparency of picture1

So picture1 will get more texture

This can be a picture2  https://www.google.nl/search?q=metal&biw=1920&bih=979&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjI2aKRx5rMAhVhB8AKHWeuC20Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=9qbbIl5OB_B1OM%3A


I'm just trying to give some tips. 

Try to go crazy with your projects and try alot of stuff. 

That was a project i worked on tried alot of stuff I'm not PROFESSIONAL either(Picture under this)

it started off by just a simple green background. But by adding mutiple backgrounds ect, and trying alot of things. U can realy create some cool effects.

And for instance for the text i have in that picture. I putted multiple picture's behind it and created a mask. It will most of the time look beter then the standard colors, effects in photoshop


Always good to start off simple and work your way into more complex stuff as you get better with photoshop, there is nothing wrong with how he is starting.  I started with being just as simple as that.  As I got more familiar with the tools and how to work with them I started doing more complex stuff, I agree though, messing around and doing crazy stuff helps you understand how to utilize your tools.  

After a few years of designing you'll really get the hang of what you're doing in photoshop, I'll give you an example of my work from 6 years ago vs some work from a couple months ago.  Both are the same type of design (photo-manipulation).  I was really inspired by "photo-manipulation" and matte painting.

So 6 years ago when I was 14 I tried going for my first photo-manipulation, this was throwing a bunch of images together messing around and just going crazy with what I knew from photoshop, took me a few hours to do. 


And this is some work from a couple months ago.  Since that first design from 6 years ago, I have done easily over a 100 different photo-manipulations, many which turned out to be garbage and just throwing away, but practicing everyday just messing around always helped me out. Getting to know your tools, and how to use them is one of the biggest parts to getting a great outcome.  In this piece I did a lot of painting too, so not 100% photo-manipulation like the one above, but it's all about knowing your tools and how to effectively use them, in this case I used the brush to do a lot of this piece.  


Anyway, just keep practicing throwing together crazy stuff, get to know your tools and how to effectively incorporate them into your work.  Also never give up, your first work might not look the best, or you might think it's trash, but truth is we all start somewhere, and at one point everyone did work they weren't too proud of. 


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