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I have shadowplay footage of the drug runners planes being able to take off at a maximum of 117km/Hour. Now the planes dont take off until 130km/hour which is a huge problem because even if you use the entire runway at drugrunner one the success rate of being able to take off from drug runner location 1 with a minimum take off speed of 130 is really freaking annoying cuz half the time you cannot raise the speed to 130km/hour.

PLEASE change the take off speed to 117km/hour ): Admins should also add like shroom fields and shit so we can go pick mushrooms and sell them for a super high price thatd be sick 

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45 minutes ago, Smok3r33f3r said:

Admins should also add like shroom fields and shit so we can go pick mushrooms and sell them for a super high price thatd be sick 

Might have an idea here. mushrooms don't grow naturally in a designated area. it would be cool if they at random spawned around the island. when found they can be sold at wongs. The profit would have to fit the rate of spawn...

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