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APD Ride Along Schedule

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Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.


At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.

Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.



Sergeant: Jaeger [NA]

Available times: Monday - Friday 19:00 - 00:00 CST

Prefered contact: Discord


Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule



Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.

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