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Everything posted by Hamilton

  1. Lot of disrespect for this post but I'm going to leave it in case some people like the permadeath stuff as much as I do. I can't think of a better mod to do it on because of the realism. You don't need to be a millionaire to have fun in this.
  2. This is just a way I found to play that is a lot more exciting, immersive, and fun. You just follow these rules: 1. If you die, you wire all your money that you made to someone else, after selling all of your vehicles. If you managed to buy a house, give that away. Anything that you gained in your life you give away except for talents you can keep those. 2. Leave any gang or group you were in as well. 3. No third person 4. No third party comms Basically the idea is to have only one life on the server, and if you die, then you start completely fresh save for the talents you earned. Third person is really unimmersive and unrealistic and this is supposed to be a realistic and immersive experience. Third party comms also kill the realism and fairness (to the people who aren't using it). I found myself falling into the same rotation as everyone else on the server, just spawning, gathering drugs or any other way to make money, storing it in the bank, repeat until death, repeat. It turned the mod into just a second job for me where there was little excitement and no purpose to death. The way I play now, is I'm actually afraid to risk my life in the game. It's not just a calculation of risk vs reward, it's actually fearing for my life. It makes it so much more intense and so much more rewarding. Now, you do need some sort of goal otherwise the safest thing to do would just survive of your 5 minute paycheck and hide while you eat and drink forever. For me, the goal is to live long enough to manage to save up for an expensive home. If I manage to get the home, then the next goal would be to take on a clan or something I don't know I haven't gotten their yet you can set your own goals just make sure it's a good balance between wanting to stay safe and still having to sometimes risk yourself. If you end up dying to someone cheating, a glitch, or something like that, then just ignore that death and don't sell or give anything away. I'm not saying this is the only fun way to play, I just suggest if you're like me and get bored with the mundane repetition and you've lost that sense of realism and immersion, then try playing like this it really is a completely new experience.
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