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Everything posted by Crunchedd

  1. Accepted as longest trial known to man
  2. well you cant get pussy... guess youll never know what that sentence said then
  3. im trying to fight my guy and i want the boys behind me again
  4. yes my friend the return submit your app we bringin asylum back boys
  5. i am an expert in starting/finishing a toxic thread dwdw
  6. i actually do pee sitting down thanks its about a 50/50 ratio
  7. im sorry i resorted to being a grammar nazi? never corrected his grammar lol just poked fun at it. Ds been doing too much cocaine irl they all "loosing their minds"
  8. cant and can't are the same word that post has no bearing with the context of what we were talking about the only thing lacking in the word is punctuation so off my dick kid.
  9. grammar and spelling are two different things my guy if you're going to critique GRAMMAR then don't bring up spelling fat head.
  10. never brought this video up ever wtf r u on about must be "loosing" your mind
  11. my guy i thrive on toxicity must have forgotten me during my asylum hiatus
  12. tell me this isnt the funniest shit you ever watch
  13. refer to next quote i only watched the first 3 mins then i got super bored so idk if u had combat stance on later either way ur trash uninstall ds shitter. most of the gangs i was in for the like 9 months i was active on asylum only 2 of them disbanded quickly so dunno what ur talking about and btw DS dissapears all the time the only reason ds is even still around to this day is because they let all the shitters in anyone could make a gang last a long time if there recruitment happens in kavala In Game Name: Cadet Age: 25 Hours: 891 https://gyazo.com/61d0a994caf7eceddae546b3c13138e9 (all asylum) Are you a member of the APD (rank): not atm Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: never Any previous Gangs: Rise
  14. takes 5 seconds to click a random part of ur video click my gyazo button and prove myself right.
  15. toxic is correct eating dick is something ill pass on
  16. yeah cus watching a kid who shows up places with 5 total mags and has no combat stance for 20 minutes is on my to do list
  17. im gonna upload a 20 minute video of us fighting at cocaine field #thingsthatshouldntbesaid
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