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APD Officer
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Posts posted by RobTheAssassin

  1. I've noticed that all training sessions are held in UTC timezone format which I figured out is 5 hours ahead of my timezone.  Also most of the training sessions seem to be held mostly at like 2:30am UTC or later which is very late in my time zone also.  I was hoping we could have some officers who live in Eastern Time zone do earlier training sessions so people like myself who need to get up early can still make it to training.   I've lost count of how many training sessions I've wanted to attend but haven't been able to because they are being held too late at night.

    Edit: This is Constable Kirk

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  2. On 12/10/2016 at 9:15 AM, tommy77771 said:

    have u guys tought about buying it?

    Nah I brought it up to the gang and no one seemed like they could afford it at the moment.  I have made a little money since then.  I will talk to an LT today and see if I can jump on civilian to sell my houses up near Sophia.  If I can sell my houses how much would you want for this house and garage you are selling? I kinda need to know what to aim for and if I'll be able to afford it at all.

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